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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Question Taking Adderall for 12 years, suddenly having panic attacks?

    I discovered this forum last night when I was researching panic attacks and the associated rib/back pain I've been experiencing. I was super relieved to see that several of you in the forum also deal with rib pain.

    A little bit of background on me:
    I've suffered from ADHD all my life but wasn't diagnosed until 12 years ago when I was 19. After several months of trying different meds, I ended up being prescribed Adderall. I've had really good results with it with minimal side affects. Over the years my tolerance has gone up so I began supplementing with coffee or tea to potentate the Adderall (I take 40mg/day). I also take a decent vitamin stack: magnesium glycinate, vitamin D, K2, soil based organisms, Dr Stephen langer's ultimate 16 strain probiotic with FOC, astaxanthin & zeaxanthin (the last 3 I have been only taking for a few months)

    3 weeks ago I did LSD. It was a good/happy trip with minimal come down/crash. About a week after my trip however, I started feeling over stimulated so I stopped drinking coffee and switched to tea, I also quit my light smoking habit. That's when the panic attacks started so I stopped taking the vitamin b6 and thyroid multi-supplement (I had been taking those two combined my the stack listed above for over a year)

    I really doubt the Adderall is the sole source of my anxiety because the problem would have come up by now, right? I'm wondering if it's the LSD trip that messed up my neurotransmitters?! It seems that I am dealing with an access of serotonin because when I have chocolate or take 5-htp (both boost serotonin) it triggers a panic attack. Maybe it's my probiotics that have healing my gut and aiding my brain function.

    I know my history is to complex to get any sort of diagnosis over a forum. I'm just look for people who can provide any insight or can relate to an of my symptoms.

    Anxiety sucks!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Hi there

    I'm no expert, but the fact you took LSD and registered physiological changes so soon sounds more than just coincidence. I don't need to tell you to stay off hallucinogenic street drugs. The problem is you don't know how pure the stuff was or what else might have gone into it.

    My guess is that the panic attacks will calm down by themselves. Meanwhile, study the section here about how to deal with panic attacks. It actually works!

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Boo Bass View Post
    Hi there

    I'm no expert, but the fact you took LSD and registered physiological changes so soon sounds more than just coincidence. I don't need to tell you to stay off hallucinogenic street drugs. The problem is you don't know how pure the stuff was or what else might have gone into it.

    My guess is that the panic attacks will calm down by themselves. Meanwhile, study the section here about how to deal with panic attacks. It actually works!
    Thanks for your feedback. I blame the LSD too, although my boyfriend begs to differ. I am definitely going to stop using LSD or any other street drugs for that matter because the high is definitely not worth having to live with anxiety that's interferes with my day to day life. I truly gained a new found empathy for anyone dealing with this condition. I have a friend who deals with agoraphobia. I used to think it was all in her head and that she just needed to calm down but now I know you can't just 'calm down' when your body and mind are hypersensitive. Now I know how agnoizing anxiety can be and although there are ways to cope, it's sometimes impossible to go back to feeling 100%. I've read the sections about how to deal with a panic attack and they have been very helpful in stoping the Escalating thoughts that just lead to more panic and side affects (for me it's physical pain in my ribs and other random parts of my body)

    I took passionflower extract (700mg), lavender extract (about 1000mg) and 3 bags of Sleepytime herbal tea and unfortunately it made my anxiety worse. I even woke up with anxiety and had to skip my normal Adderall dose in the morning. I did some research and it turns out that passionflower, lavender and camomile contain mild MAOIs, which can cause a build up of the dopamine and other neurotransmitters when combined with Adderall.
    Last edited by eddyca; 02-26-2016 at 11:24 AM. Reason: Deleted double quote



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