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  1. #11
    Great question. My go-to thing is mediation and power-posing. There's aTED talk on power-posing and how it affects your mood and people's perception of you. You can look up Amy Cuddy and listen to her lecture. It'll only take 2 minutes and it works for me. For meditation, I do it for 5 minutes before I go to sleep. I tend to get really good sleep if I meditate right before.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2016
    I suppose what it boiled down to for me, was to remove the pressure to be the life of the part when around people. When I go out into public, if I'm not feeling confident or upbeat that day, I won't force myself to have to run into people. If I have to attend a group or gathering, I just allow myself to be approachable and friendly with a smile, this way people might feel like they want to talk to me. More often than not now, I'm pretty quiet and keep to myself when I feeling anxious.

  3. #13
    Meditation helped me too. I feel quite calm, relaxed body and mind, fresh mood and good thoughts after meditation.
    Anti-anxiety: Xanax ( alprazolam )
    Anti-depressants: Zoloft pills

  4. #14
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Great question. My go-to thing is mediation and power-posing. There's aTED talk on power-posing and how it affects your mood and people's perception of you. You can look up Amy Cuddy and listen to her lecture. It'll only take 2 minutes and it works for me. For meditation, I do it for 5 minutes before I go to sleep. I tend to get really good sleep if I meditate right before.
    I just now googled this (power-posing), and I did indeed find this interesting. I have to tend to agree with this, as people will perceive what they see on the outside. I think this is pretty much how the game of life goes, actually. I (still) wonder, if we fake it until we make it, will we draw a successful energy towards us, and in turn, become successful?

  5. #15
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Scratch that actually, I thought about it and I don't believe that is attracts any different energy than just staying optimistic. However, I do think power-posing is good overall, even if for no other reason that given enough time of "going through the motions", it should sink in and start to take hold.



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