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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    FREE from my bi-polar/severe depression

    I was diagnosed with bi-polarII 4 years ago. for those of you that dont know what type that is, it involves SEVERE depression. I have been through hell for 4 years and have FINALLY come out of the hell hole and am only here on this forum now to help others ...ive had depression, anxiety, suicidal, crazy thoughts, what if thoughts, you name it, ive probably had it....message me if you want any tips or help <3

    My story began with me in a car with some friends and it was as if a switch went off in my brain. Some people go into it and i guess others it happens really quickly. As time went on I could tell i was becoming very socially awkward. This was SOOOO strange to me because im a likable person. Not to brag or put labels on anything but in elementary, middle, and a little in highschool, I was very popular. Even when I switched schools 4x. I was always pretty likable, then all of a sudden i become awkward to talk to? Doesn't make sense. Later the depression hit me like a ton of bricks. im sure all of you know what im talking about and probably dont need to explain much. I went to the doctor and he diagnosed me as bi-polarII...I was very turned off from this because there is no way i am bi-polar. I know who i am and i dont have mood swings. He told me it happens at early adult hood. This scared me because i started to believe it a little more. So as 3 years in life went by with barley making it, I FINALLY started to accept the fact that im different and think a different way then most. I even started to believe that im a little crazy! and its funny because are we all a little crazy "normal" and "not normal". Dont we all have some type of head screws loose? Once I began to accept these crazy "abnormal" thoughts the doctors have been trying to get rid of, i was free

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2013
    welcome to the forum. My ex husband was diagnosed with the same disease, life was tough, he never accepted the fact that he is sick and should be on meds. Right now they know how to treat it. I have a very close friend with bipolar and he is on meds, do not have psychotic episodes at least not very strong, anymore. He is on meds and he have a wonderful life beautiful family, and work he loves. Most bipolar s are very intelligent people with very innovative way of seeing life
    ''“If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.”
    ― Rabindranath Tagore

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    yes a beautiful way to put it

  4. #4


    I am bipolar 1 and I had a hard time accepting/believing it. I left it untreated for 7 years and I was misdiagnosed as having SAD. It is heredity in my case. I can relate to what you say about being social and finding yourself antisocial at this point I find it hard to socialize now. I was never popular which is fine with me. I found myself getting support from my bipolar support group the most.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2016
    wonderful to hear keep going! keep going! keep going! I think a lot of our problems can be solved with confidence and self-esteem. You can still be successful and have friends and whatever you want even if your bi-polar. Doctors make mistakes all the time. They are humans just like me and you. We need to stop putting doctors on pedistals and start believing that they are simple just like us

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by HEREtoHELP View Post
    wonderful to hear keep going! keep going! keep going! I think a lot of our problems can be solved with confidence and self-esteem. You can still be successful and have friends and whatever you want even if your bi-polar. Doctors make mistakes all the time. They are humans just like me and you. We need to stop putting doctors on pedistals and start believing that they are simple just like us
    Nah I don't think I know more than my doctor does he went to university for psychology just saying I know more about myself than my doctor or anyone does. And you have a point a lot of my issues stem from lack of confidence and self worth. I am more focused success right now this is my time to shine. I have to get it right with me first in order to meet healthy people. I am tired of meeting people who are looking to me for help and looking to use me.

  7. #7
    One finger or two?
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Behind you..
    Quote Originally Posted by JenXO View Post
    Nah I don't think I know more than my doctor does he went to university for psychology just saying I know more about myself than my doctor or anyone does. And you have a point a lot of my issues stem from lack of confidence and self worth. I am more focused success right now this is my time to shine. I have to get it right with me first in order to meet healthy people. I am tired of meeting people who are looking to me for help and looking to use me.
    Very true. Surrounding yourself with the right people is key, positive people. That's probably why my progress is so slow as I'm still with the very person that contributed to my breakdown every single day.

    It's hard to break free.

    Still, onwards and upwards..
    It's what your right hands for..

  8. #8
    Yeah! Surrounding with the right people will impact a lot on your mood, the people with positive energy has power to pull out you from the deep depression and sadness. And you will be more confident and happy.
    Anti-anxiety: Xanax ( alprazolam )
    Anti-depressants: Zoloft pills



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