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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Relationship Anxiety


    I am a 22 year senior in college. I have been in a relationship for just about a year. I also have generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia and have been feeling depressed. My boyfriend is amazing and we have something really special. Lately, I have been consumed with anxiety when I am with him and not with him. I get this pit in my stomach and become overwhelmed that it is time to break up. I have a hard time enjoying alone time with him because these thoughts creep in, it leads me to want to spend time away from him. I feel guilty about these feelings. I question everything. Am I too young for a long term relationship? Do I actually love him or is it just time to end things? I'm anxious about my upcoming graduation and the fact that I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I really want to go back to when things were normal and I enjoyed our time together. There was a time when my relationship caused me no anxiety, I want that feeling back but I'm afraid that it never will. I don't want to end things, but there is this anxiety making me wonder what if its time? Has anyone else dealt with this? If so do you have an recommendations as to how I can get my feelings back on track.


  2. #2
    First of all to let you know, anxiety changes the chemistry of the brain causing these thoughts. Medications given by doctors are the best because they get your brain chemistry back for temporary time, but if you took it for a long time with the right instructions, you will be able to defeat anxiety. Now the second thing is when you get any negative thought remember that it is from your brain because you are suffering from anxiety. And when you think in a positive manner you will succeed in getting your emotions back on track. For ex:- if your boyfriend dose not answer a call, dont think he is cheating you and breaking up but think that he is busy. This i promise you defeating anxiety. My mother was able to defeat anxiety with out even any medication but by positive thinking. So Be + not -.



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