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Thread: Eye floaters

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Unhappy Eye floaters

    I have no idea if this is the proper forum for this.
    I'm 18, female, and I have a bunch of floaters.
    I have visual snow ontop of it, and I've always been a worry wart.
    I've been to the eye doctor, doctor, even a therapist and they can't seem to help me, my brain just won't get over the idea I am going blind.
    Now my eyes hurt all day because I think/focus on my eyes all the time, and in truth I can't live like this anymore. I was hesitant to register here but I guess I really don't know where else to turn at this point.

  2. #2
    I've been having floaters for the past year or so, I'm 33. I went to an eye doctor and he performed a battery of tests and no major issues. I'm also a worrier but feel better after seeing the eye doctor. When you focus on your eyes, try to focus on something else or seomeone else. Stare at a wall, stare at your hand, really focus on any other object around you.



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