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Thread: anxiety buster

  1. #1

    anxiety buster

    hi guys anxiety is pain in the ass! but they is a cure depending what categories you fall in' every one has a different type of stuff going on which i am going to mention and they is a cure for all types of anxiety so stop worrying..REMEMBER ANXIETY IS NOT LIFE THREATENING AT ALL ITS JUST MATTER OF TIME YOU WILL GET OVER IT BUT YOU HAVE TO BE STRONG....

    anxiety making people
    1,fear of other people for nothing
    2,pains in the chest and stomach,chin ,neck,arms,hands
    3,hot and cold rushes,sweat,breathing,panic,fearing,ticklecough,c hokingcough,waking up in sleep feeling frightened,pins and needles in the body
    4,lights go bright and dark strange colours what you see like illusions,
    5,fear of death,,relating other peoples problems illnesses to your selves,hiding,
    6,gastric problems in stomach,pressure gas in the stomach and upper areas,want to cry,
    7,in the mind your in another world,speechless,agitated,clueless,weakness,low sex drive,anxious,stress,stress for nothing,panic attacks calling ambulances for your heart etc.and many more strange stuff..........

    first of all if you suffering these conditions or early stage,straight way go see your doctor (gp) and tell him the truth what you feel and the symptoms that you are having tell your doctor exact what is wrong with you and do not be embarrassed.if your doctor gives you fluxoteine or other medicine take it and use it at least up to couple of months ,and from that period of time you need to control your diet,eat good food ,drink green tea to relax you,join a gym,go out for walks,keep your self busy entertain yourselves,use slightly olive oil and massage your chest,head,neck,cut down on tea,stop smoking or cut down,exercise,swimming,go see your friends,avoid stress,avoid any thing that triggers you to stress,eat fish plenty of omega3, go on youtube and type surah rehman and listen to it'you will feel the ease and benefit of it try to the one that has subtitles and learn it.join karate to get your self out ,release your selves shout out get your esteem out,but not in public lol..go to shopping places,just relax and be strong ,fight anxiety its only in your head fight it ...soon you will come over it inshallah by grace of allah .i hope this information i gave helps many you people out there that are suffering from anxiety.......TRUST ME GUYS YOU WILL GET BETTER BE STRONG FIRM,EAT PLENTY OF GOOD FOOD ,FEW SPOONS OF HONEY,WILL DO WELL

    for temporary bases avoid certain food that has gas which then triggers anxiety deprssion stress,and silent gas that goes up the chest and arms ,avoid smoking and tea or cut down extreme levels......for couple of months you will feel better and then you can top your medicine or lower the strength of medicine with the advice of your doctor(gp) definitely you will be ok as normal,,,,i hope all you guys well i will be posting out more info......i hope i do make sense maybe my style of writing or paragraphs are a bit ding dong but i hope you get the benefit of my post...be real take care
    Last edited by peacemanmedicalman; 12-04-2015 at 08:43 PM.



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