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Thread: Hi everyone

  1. #1

    Hi everyone

    Hello friends,

    After struggling for almost 5 months now, i decided to seak some help. My story is as follows, after a series of life events, i started feeling weird things, at first, it started with chest pain, heart burn, numbness, insomnia, weird feelings i get everytime i wana sleep but cant be explained. Time passed, i went to the ER 5 times thinking in having a heart attack, i had all heart attack symptoms, everytime i heard that my test is perfectly fine. I did blood tests 3 times, i did mri to my head, there is nothing. But still im not okay, its affecting my daily life, im always nervous, always stressed and afraid that something will happen to me. These past 2 weeks, i got back to gym so i can help myself, all my muslces hurt now, in my head its always like something bad is gona happen, im constantly dizzy, a doctor i saw told me its anxiety, when he told me we need to start medications i stopped seeing him, i did all the possible test possible, whenever i eat specially at night i cant sleep, when i walk i feel that my eyesight is week, when i workout, i get dizzy but im not willing to stop sports, it seems im fine, it feels in the head, but i cant comvince myself that way, now its been 3 days that i have numbness in my head, when i go to bed i wake up terrified but incant figure out the reason, sometimes i cant sleep at all unless im exhausted. Is all this really anxiety? Should i do more medical exams? I feel terrible, i dont know what to do, i feel fine in everyway, but im constantly scared, always feeling weird, now when im writing this i feel suddently cold. Anyone can tell me what to do, i dont want to take any pills

  2. #2

    I am also new on the forum.

    I hope you find this place supportive

  3. #3

    this message went straight through, but still not seen my intro topic


  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2014
    Atlanta, Georgia US
    I know you don't want to take pills, but you may need them. I felt like you and went to the emergency room. I was so dizzy. I was sure there was something physically wrong. The doctor insisted it was anxiety. I didn't feel that anxious though. I started taking an antidepressant (low dose) and one other medication and within two weeks all of those feeling had just about dissipated.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Anne1221 View Post
    I know you don't want to take pills, but you may need them. I felt like you and went to the emergency room. I was so dizzy. I was sure there was something physically wrong. The doctor insisted it was anxiety. I didn't feel that anxious though. I started taking an antidepressant (low dose) and one other medication and within two weeks all of those feeling had just about dissipated.
    Hi, thx for the reply, if i may ask, for how long did u feel dizzy? Was it only once? What was the name of the antidepressant you took? Did it affect your daily routine?

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2015
    Hi Wissam, I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling this way. As someone who has suffered from panic attack disorder for 10 years I can tell you that until you accept that the symptoms you are experiencing are anxiety related, you will not get any relief from it. You have to accept that those sweaty palms, dizziness, rapid heart..it's all from the panic attack. If you've had tests and they've confirmed you are fine, then you need to accept that you have panic attacks. And from there, you can learn to deal with them. Whether that is through medication or therapy or a combination of both. It always helps me to know I'm not alone. Remember, no one has ever died of a panic attack! I wish you all the best!

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2014
    Atlanta, Georgia US
    I felt more light headed than dizzy for about 5 days, but on occasion during those days I would feel dizzy. But I felt light headed every day. I just knew there was something wrong. When all the tests came back negative, including thyroid, the doctor said "you have anxiety." I didn't feel that anxious though. He said, "Believe me, anxiety can make you feel all kinds of things." I now take Lexapro.
    It has some side effects, but for everyone the side effects are different. I only take 7.5 mg per day, even though the dosages are 10mg and 20 mg. I believe in taking the smallest dose to get the help I need. The difference is that I am calmer, more optimistic, not as angry, not as anxious, and I never cry anymore. But without the antidepressant, I cry all the time.

    If you were a person that did not need medication, and you had something physically wrong with you, you would not be saying, "...and afraid that something will happen to me." Nor would you say, "..in my head it's like something bad is gonna happen."

    Those people without anxiety (I sometimes call them 'lucky ones') have physical problems, but they aren't fearful about them all the time, day and night. They just address them and move on.



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