I've been taking Clonazepam for around two years now. 1 mg for a year and a half and 1.5 to 2 mg for the past 6 months, going up and down. Since that increase I've had some interesting issues and I have a lot of questions.
I've experience increased flatulence and on and off abdominal pain, but no change in bowels, is this common for this type of medication or more likely associated with something else?
Also, I've read that some people can experience varying withdrawal symptoms in between doses. I'm not sure if this is true, but I feel like it is given my issues as of late with jumping up and down when it comes to the frequency of taking them. What are your thoughts?
The doctor hasn't really been much help, so I figured people who take similar, if not the same medication might be able to help me discover the answers/likelihood of these questions.