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  1. #1

    Exam/silent room anxiety.

    Hello everyone! I've come here in hopes of achieving some advice or just to see if anyone feels the same way as I do.
    I'm currently a high school student in my last year of compulsory education and this means lots and lots of exams. 16 to be precise.
    I don't have to take any proper ones until May but between then and now I'm still going to have lots of mocks.
    For me personally I have no problem with the exam content itself, I work hard to revise all the material so I'm not afraid of failure in that respect. my anxiety comes more from being in a big silent gym hall with around a hundred other people.
    I don't know if anyone else has this issue but I get extreme anxiety in silent rooms or places. particularly when others are around.
    the thing is when I get anxious it seems like every bodily function of mine seems to go insane. I get gas and my stomach rumbles a lot too.
    As you can image I spend the majority of my time in exams focusing more on being worried about that then actually taking the exam.
    I'm really worried because I don't want something so small to end up bringing down my grades so if anyone has any tips or advice or just if there's anyone who can relate I'd love to hear from you.
    Thank you in advance xx

  2. #2
    Can you bring water and chew gum? It sounds so small but it helps me a lot. Also, bring music if you can. To be honest, others are too focused on their exams to mind your tummy. I know anxiety makes you feel like a small thing is a huge deal to everyone but no one is really minding your business, they just want to pass their exam.
    Good luck and don't sabotage yourself, you deserve better

  3. #3
    yeah, thanks for all your kind words
    we are allowed to bring in water but unfortunately we can't listen to music or chew gum
    but next time I'm anxious in an exam I'll try and remember what you've said, it should help.
    Thanks again xx

  4. #4
    I'm sorry I can't help more, I get anxious doing exams and stuff but I hope you can pull through

  5. #5
    I'm sorry I can't help more, I get anxious doing exams and stuff but I hope you can pull through

  6. #6
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Oh my Gosh! i thought I was the only one that got anxiety when taking tests in a silent room! I know exactly how you feel! I started to get it really bad and talked to my school counsilor about it, she then set up a meeting with an accommodations teacher ( they help student with disorders like dyslexia and other things have the things they need to be able to learn or take a test the way they need) Do you have any teacher or programs like this at your school? maybe it can help you too

  7. #7
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Welll, i'm a masters student and I completely Identify with you. Butterflies in the stomach and worrying thoughts - 'Will I be able to answer the questions?' 'Have I done enough revision?' these are questions in the subconscious mind that have lead me to have anxiety during an exam. Here are a few tricks that have helped me out.

    Put yourself into a positive frame of mind by imagining how you would LIKE things to go. Imagine yourself turning up for the exam feeling confident and relaxed - try to picture it in as much detail as possible. Rather like rehearsing for a part in a play, this can replace negative, anxious thoughts with more positive ones.

    It's hard not to panic if you are feeling relaxed. Try to establish a pattern of revision that gives you time to relax, especially last thing at night. Experiment until you find the best way of relaxing to suit you - a long bath, exercise, listening to music, a relaxation tape etc. Soon you will realize that you don't need them during the exam.
    When the feeling comes, focus! imagine of the beautiful things like flowers, cool music, babies, Soon you will realize you don'n need them anymore

  8. #8
    Hi! yeah just came to tell you that with a little bit of encouragement I managed to go see someone in school about the issue, if I'm lucky I should be able to take my exam in a completely separate room to everyone else



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