Well, good news and bad news. The good news is that my physician says I'm improving a lot and has therefore decided to get me on other tablets again. I'm now going off Citalopram and switching back to Sertraline.
I'm now in my second week coming off Citalopram. The bad news however, is that I'm getting two symptoms. The first one is heart palpitations, which don't really bother me any more. I know its anxiety so I can deal with it.
The second symptom is bugging me though, because I been experiencing a serious increase in appetite. Now, for most people this is not a problem, but I'm still dieting trying to lose more of the weight I gained because of anxiety.

Since I am stress eating and finding it extremely hard to stop, I decided to ask some advice from my friends here. Has anyone experienced something similar and found a solution for it? I've tried doing more yoga to get the anxiety down and eat less, but living with 5 people at the moment is so stressful and every little thing around me is irritating me. Unfortunately we're not moving until next year and we're saving for our own place.
I'm rambling a bit now, but short story, I'm experiencing more anxiety due to my pills being pulled down and I'm overeating because of it. I need a great tip to say no to food when I don't need it.

Thanks in advance.