I am a 16 year old female.
My symptoms are basically the following..
Unexplainable aches and pains
Night sweats
Night terrors
Hot flashes/episodes of extreme sweating throughout the day
Fatigue. Constant tiredness or lack of motivation to do things.
Anxiety attacks involve shaking violently all over and vomiting for hours until there is nothing left in my body & the next couple of days my body is so achy that I can't leave my bed or eat.
I am stuck at this point, my doctor and psychologist said it was most likely side affects to my medication 100mg Sertraline or 40mg propranolol which is a beta blocker, but they haven't done anything to solve this issue. And it is affecting my life so much. Could this be something else? I have had multiple blood tests for almost everything, I feel constantly exhausted emotionally and physically, they're not listening.