My name is Elizabeth and I am currently dating a man with severe anxiety/ptsd and needed somewhere to turn and learn from others with severe anxiety.
It is extremely hard at times when he goes into full panic attacks because he does have some very dark thoughts and the negative always seem to over ride the positive. We have more great days than negative days but when the panic attacks start he feels like he's not good enough for me, that I am going to leave him, that he's going to hurt me etc. No matter how much I tell him I will stand by him no matter what he doesn't believe that someone with anxiety can be loved and that he is a burden. I tell him all the time that I can handle this because I love him enough to handle the sometimes hurtful things he says during panic attacks.
Can anyone give me any advice on any books that may be helpful or anything I can do to help make a better impact on his anxiety. I care about him and I care about his anxiety and I need any and all advice that may help.
*He sees a therapist and is on medication but I need to know the extra stuff I can do to help him feel confident and realize that his anxiety may be a burden to him, it is not a burden to me.