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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Question Is this normal?????

    Hey everyone,
    So I fell asleep not the couch last night and when I woke up my front two teeth were numb. And also when i scrunch my nose, i can't really like feel it. when i squeeze it i feel it. but i was up till 4am and only slept a few hours, because i was worrying about it. but my front two teeth are still numb and uncomftorable. is this normal? I have been chewing gum ALOT lately and ice. I don't know if I'm grinding my teeth, and this caused it? I also had a really bad anxiety attack yesterday, but I had this tooth numbness before but it only lasted for like 10 minutes. but its still bothering me this morning. Any ideas? A lot of times I have facial numbness accompanying an anxiety attack. thanks for any help.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    East Coast, USA
    That may be a symptom of anxiety but have not heard that one. Lord knows there are many more than I a m aware of.

    This wouldn't stress me out too much.

    Even a worse case scenario, I can't think of anything serious that numb teeth would be.

    I vote for the gum chewing as the culprit.

    Use the 2 week rule. It it is still there after two weeks, then get it checked out but I am sure it is nothing serious at all
    "Y'all didn't have to shoot me" ~ Harambe



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