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  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by theanonymousone View Post
    I need to sort this out, but i just dont want to fear death, i cant do anything anymore because of it, it just makes me think ''whats the point? im gonna be dead anyways''
    So sort it out.

    For yourself. No one else can help you with this.

    The meaning of life is the meaning you give to it. There is no inherent, mystical, hidden, Trojan horse. Life is neutral. Thereby allowing each creature to decide his fate and destiny, - he creates meaning on the fly, as he lives it..

    You wont find your own answers in everyone else's interpretation. They are just as mixed up as you.

    Everyone, no exceptions.

    You could just as well see the other side of the coin. "ill die eventually, so ill make the most of my life with the time I've got.". As you can see, that constructive viewpoint is just as valid as your destructive one. So the issue is you, and your beliefs. Not death itself.

    For anyone reading this, death is neutral, until meaning is given to it by the individual in a personal way. You become intimate with it, and understand its role in life.

    Should the people of the earth suddenly beat death and find a potion that they could live forever, the world would cease to exist within one hour.

    Death then is healthy, it keeps life - living, and has a purpose.

    There are 2 beliefs one can have :

    When I die, I take my personality with me, and my learning, so I continue to grow, create, and exist

    Or what scares the OP

    When I die, my consciousness is obliterated and I cease to exist.

    Now, which belief would you rather hold?

    Choose, and go on with your lives.
    Last edited by Im-Suffering; 07-21-2015 at 08:00 AM.
    "Each person alive helps paint the living picture of civilization as it exists at any given time. Be your own best artist. Your thoughts, feelings, and expectations are like the living brush strokes with which you paint your corner of lifes landscape. If you do your best in your own life, then you are helping to improve the quality of all life. Your thoughts mix and merge with others, to form man's living-scape, providing the vast mental elements from which physical events will be formed"

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by theanonymousone View Post
    I'm sorry, thanks for ur input everyone....

    I just wanted you to know, you don't need to be sorry for the way you are feeling.
    "I've got 99 problems and 93 of them are completely made up scenarios in my head that I'm stressed about for absolutely no logical reason."

  3. #13
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    I'm pretty positive that if there is a purpose to this life, it would then become impossible to know what happens after death.

    How could you truly live now, if you knew it extended to infinity...

    Or not?

    Objectively knowing there is life after death promotes stagnancy, and there is no sense of urgency in this one.

    Objectively knowing there is no life after death encourages a crippling fear, and dramatized actions.

    The balance in the middle is where one can truly live.

    The people here have made great points.

    I could be wrong, but

    I will only add that I suspect the issue you are having is based in the need to control how your life will progress.

    Not knowing when you will die, and if it's the end, appears to make you feel out of control, and thus the anxiety flows freely.

    You can't control the universe my man. You can't control anything, really, other than yourself. The idea that we can plan our lives to a T is a farce. You will never know the answer to the question you seek, no one will.

    Any information you encounter involves you putting faith in someone else's word, which is it's own form of religion.

    Consequently, one will find that all you can truly do to satisfy the need for proof, is to have their own experience with it. When one goes out to and has their own life experiences, living can truly begin to happen. Through living you can find your perspective on death.

    In other words, you can't control death externally. No amount of information you find will satisfy a mind as your own. What you can control yourself, and how you live. Through living you will gain some perspective.

    Don't wait for others to do the work for you. Even if some super sentient aliens came and shared the secrets of the universe, you would still need to have faith in their words. You are responsible for your experience.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by theanonymousone View Post
    It's the not knowing part that is probably driving me insane i believe, but i am sorry if i offended anyone with my post here, i just asked others for some input, i wont make that mistake again.....
    Woah, woah!!

    I am 100% not offended.

    I am not sure if I gave you that impression, but I want to assure you that wasn't my intent.

    Just discussing the mystery of life.

    Don't ever be sorry for expressing yourself.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goomba View Post
    I'm pretty positive that if there is a purpose to this life, it would then become impossible to know what happens after death.

    How could you truly live now, if you knew it extended to infinity...

    Or not?

    Objectively knowing there is life after death promotes stagnancy, and there is no sense of urgency in this one.

    Objectively knowing there is no life after death encourages a crippling fear, and dramatized actions.

    The balance in the middle is where one can truly live.

    The people here have made great points.

    I could be wrong, but

    I will only add that I suspect the issue you are having is based in the need to control how your life will progress.

    Not knowing when you will die, and if it's the end, appears to make you feel out of control, and thus the anxiety flows freely.

    You can't control the universe my man. You can't control anything, really, other than yourself. The idea that we can plan our lives to a T is a farce. You will never know the answer to the question you seek, no one will.

    Any information you encounter involves you putting faith in someone else's word, which is it's own form of religion.

    Consequently, one will find that all you can truly do to satisfy the need for proof, is to have their own experience with it. When one goes out to and has their own life experiences, living can truly begin to happen. Through living you can find your perspective on death.

    In other words, you can't control death externally. No amount of information you find will satisfy a mind as your own. What you can control yourself, and how you live. Through living you will gain some perspective.

    Don't wait for others to do the work for you. Even if some super sentient aliens came and shared the secrets of the universe, you would still need to have faith in their words. You are responsible for your experience.
    I like the way you think and explain things Goomba. I just wish i could get a grip on it. It makes sense sounds rational yet i can't seem to get my head out of my ass when it comes to health anxiety and Death. Truly a sad thing ( for me )
    " it is better to keep ones mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt ", Mark Twain.

  6. #16
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    My experience has been that it's more about allowing yourself to over not being able to.

    In other words, we are intelligent enough to wrap our heads around it, but we get in the way of ourselves doing so.

    Thanks for the kind words

  7. #17
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    death is a bit like that phase we all went through before we were born, remember that? no me neither, so thats why i dont worry about it, enjoy your precious life and look to the future like you did as a child and happiness will follow you, good luck



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