Hi all. I have never posted to a forum before, but since I have been struggling so much recently and right now at the moment I thought I would give it a try. I have had anxiety for several years now, which has led to OCD as well. Anxiety began for me as worrying about my health, which later turned into generalized anxiety about everything. The most particular thing that is bothering me is anxiety in my relationship. When I am apart from my boyfriend, I start to worry that he is doing something to hurt me. Especially since he is going out with friends tonight, my anxiety has almost driven me to tears thinking of all the possibilities of what he could do to hurt me like cheat on me or something else. I don't know how to deal with this feeling and was wondering if anyone has ever felt this way before as well. I know he doesn't understand what its like to worry as much as I do. I just feel so afraid and scared that he truly will do something with someone else and hurt me. I don't want to feel this way at all but anxiety just has such an overpowering effect.... just feel helpless right now how to make this feeling go away. Has anyone else felt this way before?