Hey! My name is Mia and I'm 18 and I need a lot of help. I recently graduated high school, have an amazing boyfriend of 8 months, and tend to have the happiest view on life.
Recently, a week before I graduated, I had my first panic attack. Ever. It was the scariest thing I had ever been through, it was right after my grandma died. I feel as if this was all brought on by the stress of financing college, graduating highschool, my grandma dying on mother's day, a relationship, etc.
The anxiety did not let up. I began to fear that I had fallen out of love with my boyfriend. That thought made me breakdown. I KNOW in my heart I had not, but the anxiety was telling me to leave and this completely broke me. It was like the anxiety was shooting these thoughts into my head that were so untrue but I could not stop them. Coupled with that, I began to fear I wasn't in reality, that I was a lesbian, that I was going insane. All these things i KNEW weren't true, but my anxiety would not stop telling me were.
I have seen a therapist 3 times, and she said that self talk was the answer. Granted, it did help. But it did not make it go away.
What happened that has terrified me is that I was having a mini-episode, I was so terrified that the anxiety is me "realizing" I'm not in love, that I AM a lesbian even though I have lived my entire life straight, and that I am CHANGING into a different person.
All of these things I know are not true.
But then, all the anxiety stopped. I went completely numb. And I almost wish it was back because I at least felt something. I am terrified that that was the "transition" of me changing into a different person, and now I can no longer be my old self again.
I KNOW in my heart of hearts, that I am in love with my boyfriend. That I have an amazing outlook on the world. That I have been and always will be straight. That I want to continue living without fear.
What do I do? How do I go back to being myself? I am so scared, so numb, so frustrated, and so ready for this to be over.
PS- hearing that I am NOT actually in love is very triggering for me.. I know in my heart what I believe but the anxiety is feeding me lies and I can't take it anymore.
Please.. How do I get rid of this and become myself again?