hey all. this is my first post here. i've been on many medications in the past. most recently i was taking sertraline 50mg for the second time. i had been on it for a year or two a couple of years ago and stopped because i didn't think it was helping much. after being off it for awhile, my anxiety returned tenfold. i was always afraid of dying from situations i had no control over (an asteroid hitting the earth, a bridge collapse, etc). it made my life miserable, so i decided to go back on sertraline. pretty much immediately, i started to experience fatigue and it made me realize i had this side effect when i was on it the first time (i had always tried to figure out what caused the fatigue, i never attributed it to the medicine)...i stayed on the medicine for about 6 months or so and couldn't deal with the fatigue anymore, so i started to wean myself off. i started taking half a pill, then half every other day, every 2 days, etc. eventually i'd just take a half when the withdrawal symptoms (mainly the brain zaps) became too much. i then decreased it to a quarter pill. i can't remember exactly when i last took a quarter, but i'm guessing 3-4 weeks. i am still experiencing the fatigue and it's just awful. i have to drag myself out of bed every morning and drag myself through the day. i know i've experienced this before but i can't really remember when it eventually got better. has anyone experienced this? i really want to just get back to normal. i'm trying to lose weight and feel good, but it's so hard when this fatigue makes me not want to do anything.