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  1. #11
    post deleted
    Last edited by p1234; 05-18-2015 at 11:32 AM.

  2. #12

    Its a week since Ragamuffin and others gave me the kick up the backside I needed on here ! (thank you)

    Things have moved on nicely. I get the occasional blip where a symptom pops up and the brain says "omg I so didn't cause that" !! But most of the time things have settled down and when a symptom appears I'm ignoring it and mostly successful at that. Palpitations are still up and down but improving, the headaches are less, and scalp numbness, spine chills haven't been seen for a week or more.

    More importantly a very dark cloud has started to lift. It feels like I've been drugged up for the past two months, and that twist in the brain is still not clear but its going.

    But if there's one thing thats getting me now its that the word anxiety pops into my head 1000 times a day. Its like I've moved house and now have a noisy neighbour thats got music blasting all day.

    I suppose this is OCD and there's plenty of that in my past and in my family history. Need something to obsess about. Hey I'm anxious about anxiety No I'm obsessing about anxiety.

    I'm sure a true resolution of anxiety would be to drop obsessing about everything and just focus on lifes challenges and having a good time. But its so endemic, ingrained, so deep.

    Anyone else had that ? Anyone managed to control it/ shake it off ? Is it just a case of distraction and learning to live with this noisy neighbour? I'd like to do the equivalent of a facebook defriend with this guy :lol:

    Perhaps the thing I'm now managing is not anxiety but it is obsession ? omg I don't have to join yet another forum do I ??????



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