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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Exclamation hello! LOTS of questions, but also a few answers that may help some?

    Hi guys, I am new to this forum as well as the dreaded world of anxiety.. so here's my story:

    Over the past year or so I had immense moments of brain fog, and just being in general clumsy and confused, but I would just shrug it off. I am 21 and have smoked weed on and off since I was 16, I also did shrooms a year ago and had a really really bad trip. It was literally like being dumped at the gates of hell. I think this started off my anxiety but I never realised it, but over the past year its been silently building up, and up until a month ago I finished some antibiotics for a minor nose infection, woke up the next morning and went into a horrific panic attack. Ever since then my brain feels dislodged, 'depersonalizaton' and 'derealization' are the best ways to describe it. my balance and perception is off and everything feels as though my eyes and brain can't keep up with my surroundings, which makes a simple walk into town a nightmare because there is so much going on. Its changed my life completely, I can't even go to uni anymore, I constantly shake so even typing this is difficult. I get rushes of numbness in my limbs and the sensation of falling backwards, and being on an uneven floor. Also, If I look behind me whilst walking I almost fall over from being so unbalanced... I just feel weak constantly, all my muscles feel numb and I shake and twitch a lot, especially when I first wake up. My question is, are these physical and visual problems caused by my anxiety OR is my anxiety caused by my physical and visual problems?! I feel as though if I had my 'normal' mindset back I could conquer my anxiety with ease. Also, I don't take meds and never intend to - the side effects are just not worth it. I'd rather treat the root of the cause instead of dumbing myself down with drugs. I take lots of natural supplements however.

    My help to others that I have learned from this horrible experience is:
    -Take a look at 'mindfulness', its great for helping you to understand how to control your anxious thoughts, getting to the root of the problem.
    -Diet is EXTREMELY important. People do not realise how important it really is to reduce intake of sugar and even gluten.
    -if you are an illicit drug user.. STOP! Before all of this, I used to comfortably dabble in weed, coke and mdma, which obviously didn't help in the long run at all and won't help the healing process now!
    -Some natural remedies that could help and are worth googling: St Johns worts, ginkgo biloba + ginseng, vitamin B, Magnesium.
    -Do not isolate yourself and stay in your room feeling sorry for yourself. Try your absolute hardest to continue with the lifestyle you once had, and once loved, and you will get moments of clarity and normalization. I understand its not as easy for some that have suffered for years, but just doing daily chores, getting out the house, seeing friends and family, keeping busy helps so much!

    Thanks for your time, I hope I can help others as much as I need help myself!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Melbourne, Australia
    Hi smithers and welcome

    Oh and sorry but I really can't answer your question. I hope you find some support here though.

    All the best,
    Gypsy x
    "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer



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