Soooooo, Going into my freshman year I knew had a small amount of anxiety just like everyone does at some point in there life. It was ok and i made friends and i thought everything was gonna rainbows and sunshine. But then good old sophomore year rolled around and i had no roommate. I had a roommate planned for that year but he went to the army. So i got paired with a bunch of random people again for my second year. Long story short there where 6 of us in one big dorm and all 5 of them dropped out. So i lived in a dorm by myself for year. Which at first sounds good right. But not really when all the friends you had the first year either left or just act like they don't know you anymore. So for some reason i really couldn't make any new friends. It got to a point "still at that point" where i literally just go to class and don't talk to anyone, then i would come back to the dorm and stay in there until the next day. But then the weekends where fucking horrible. Because I didn't have anyone to do anything with, but the worst part was hearing other people outside my dorm room. Every weekend it just sounded like there where having the times of their life. My freshman year i had a little experience of that. But now i just sit here to fucking scared to leave my dorm room. And i know your supposed to make new friends blah blah blah but everyone already has there group. And i know im that guy invading the group and i absolutely hate that feeling. And then there are the girls, omg the girls. They are literally like right across hall down the hall in the elevator in class just everywhere. And as soon as i open the door and leave i just turn into a fucking turtle. Like i'll dead ass pump my self up then soon i open the door, turtle. I have so much on my mind when im alone, but soon as i get round other people my mind just goes blank. So when im at class i HAVE to sit in the back, because i can't be in the front or i won't be able to concentrate. I don't think i have it as bad as some people, like i can still talk if the situation calls for it, like going to the store and stuff. But as soon as i see like a possible relationship with anyone about to happen, my mind just turns on me and i go blank, and then they think weird as fuck. Like one time my Freshman year i smoked some weed, which i have done before. But this time it was around a couple of people i knew just little bit. So i was talking a little and holding my own before we started to smoke. But then when i was high i literally didn't say a word for like an hour. And there was only 5 of us so they where asking me questions and shit and i would just nod my head, or go mmmmmhh lol. But the questions they where asking where not yes or no questions and i knew that. And my mind started to race like never before. Then body started shaking and i thought i was gonna flip out right there on the couch. The drug was weed btw, it was not laced with anything. I have had this happen before with one of my homies but not this bad. So somehow i survived it without spazing out. But then all them acted like they didn't know me anymore, so i was like fuck em. But now that's exactly what happens to me with everyone else and im not even high. So i don't know anymore, im just gonna ride the wave out i guess. And damn i just realized how much i typed so if you read this whole thing you are a beast.