Welcome to the Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks.
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Omaha, NE

    What Worked For Me?

    Anxiety is hard to overcome. What is even harder is explaining it sometimes. I use to suffer with it daily and very very intensely. One day I remember saying, "I've had enough." and I gave up for awhile. I actually lost my job, and my home and was homeless for about a month and a half. I began searching for ways I could overcome this. However, that proved difficult. To be honest there are days I am still not completely cured, but I am trying. And that is all that matters.

    I started to meditate. Not only does it have a lot of physical benefits but it also has a lot of mental benefits as well. On top of meditating I began writing. A lot. I have my own blog that I post new thins about 4 or 5 times a week, a journal, and I recently started on a novel. Writing is a pure form of stress-relief.

    You can always inbox me if you have questions or even visit my site. (It's on my profile).

    Hope your day is going well!
    <3 Kayla

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2014
    USA - Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by Kayla Wright View Post
    Anxiety is hard to overcome. What is even harder is explaining it sometimes. I use to suffer with it daily and very very intensely. One day I remember saying, "I've had enough." and I gave up for awhile. I actually lost my job, and my home and was homeless for about a month and a half. I began searching for ways I could overcome this. However, that proved difficult. To be honest there are days I am still not completely cured, but I am trying. And that is all that matters.

    I started to meditate. Not only does it have a lot of physical benefits but it also has a lot of mental benefits as well. On top of meditating I began writing. A lot. I have my own blog that I post new thins about 4 or 5 times a week, a journal, and I recently started on a novel. Writing is a pure form of stress-relief.

    You can always inbox me if you have questions or even visit my site. (It's on my profile).

    Hope your day is going well!
    <3 Kayla
    I do not want others to believe they must give it all up, or lose everything, to gain insight or edification. Now, you must talk about what led you at 19 to become jobless or more importantly homeless. Revealing your childhood and the emotional trauma associated with events throughout that period of time.

    Anxiety itself is not the issue here, but the summation (emotionally) of learned value judgments, through experience and conditioning. That is why it proved difficult to 'overcome' - you need to look in the right direction. If your an 'aspiring/inspired' writer, then you can call the right direction, the truth.

    Look for the truth.
    Last edited by Im-Suffering; 04-29-2015 at 07:59 AM.
    "Each person alive helps paint the living picture of civilization as it exists at any given time. Be your own best artist. Your thoughts, feelings, and expectations are like the living brush strokes with which you paint your corner of lifes landscape. If you do your best in your own life, then you are helping to improve the quality of all life. Your thoughts mix and merge with others, to form man's living-scape, providing the vast mental elements from which physical events will be formed"



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