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Thread: Good Morning!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Omaha, NE

    Good Morning!

    Just taking a moment to get to know my fellow friends. I hope that today has proven itself to be better than the last. I would like to invite you to learn how I work through my anxiety.

    I have had anxiety for a good two years, and at one point it had driven me to the point of becoming homeless. (I am now, currently living in a beautiful apartment, so don't worry about that.) It was a very hard time in my life, and anxiety still has its hold over me some days but there are ways I help calm myself down and continue on with my day to day tasks.

    Below is a link to my personal blog. It is all about overcoming the problems in our lives and creating better opportunities for ourselves. I am open to taking suggestions for new posts and would love to help out in anyway I can.

    Have a great day!


  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Omaha, NE
    Sadly I can't link to it. So here is the web address. consciouscrossroading .com



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