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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    About working....

    Hello. I'm new here, and I am getting desperate!! It's great to know that there is a community; even a virtual one, where people actually understand what you're going through. I know I've had trouble discussing my fear and whatnot with people who don't feel the consistency of it daily.

    I have anxiety/Panic disorder, Social phobia, Mild PtsD, and Agoraphobia with spells of Disassociation, AdhD, and OcD, as well as night terrors if I sleep without my Dogs (One being a retired service dog, now emotional support).

    I've been looking for a telecommunication job, one because of my issues, and another because I'm a young adult who cannot legally drive. Cars terrify me, and I'm working on getting over it, though I haven't been very successful. I hate buses much more. Haha

    I will just be seeing a therapist/psychologist in the near future.

    I have little to no job experience that wasn't provided by friends or family members that I was comfortable with.

    I was just curious if anyone knows of any entry level jobs, part or full time, that are actually willing to hire someone like me.
    And if not that, have any of you successfully found a job that will allow you to bring your companion dog with you? I say companion dog, because I do; in fact, have a service dog I trained from a pup to aide me with my anxiety. He helps with my asthma too, but mainly he's psychiatric. Recently, he's become fearful of people for reasons I won't disclose, but I don't have the capacity to help him overcome this, or help to do so. I could help him be the dog he was if I could get some help from strangers. Haha mainly men.

    Anyways. Thank you for reading my post!
    Last edited by Deerly; 04-14-2015 at 12:19 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2011
    Georgia USA
    There is one I know of.. Talk2rep.com, they do online sales for AT&T, you do a chat thing, you chat with customers but you don't have to actually speak to anyone on the phone and you set your own schedule. That's the only one I know of but hopefully it will work for you, you do have to be in the USA though, hopefully you are.
    Every lasting scar shows us what it's taken to be who we are.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    That sounds absolutely perfect!
    You may just be my hero today!

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Georgia USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Deerly View Post
    That sounds absolutely perfect!
    You may just be my hero today!
    I hope it works out for you! I am seriously considering doing it myself.
    Every lasting scar shows us what it's taken to be who we are.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2014
    USA - Florida
    I can personally recommend these companies.

    Solid bi-weekly paycheck, paid training usually 4-6 weeks, no issues at all, both work from home.

    Teletech :


    Sutherland Global:

    Last edited by Im-Suffering; 04-15-2015 at 02:53 PM.
    "Each person alive helps paint the living picture of civilization as it exists at any given time. Be your own best artist. Your thoughts, feelings, and expectations are like the living brush strokes with which you paint your corner of lifes landscape. If you do your best in your own life, then you are helping to improve the quality of all life. Your thoughts mix and merge with others, to form man's living-scape, providing the vast mental elements from which physical events will be formed"



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