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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Is this a phobia.

    I'm a bit confused as to weather what I'm experiencing is a phobia, gaiety disorder, OC D or maybe just bad habits or
    behaviors I've developed over the years.

    As a kid I started to develop a fear of being in situations where I couldn't escape from eg. being stuck in an elevator but
    I've looked at phobias like agoraphobia, claustrophobia and Claustrophobia but I don't fear confined spaces or
    crowded places I only fear being trapped and knowing that I can never escape. I don't mind going in lifts It's just the
    loss of control and not being able to escape when you enter one that I fear.

    I don't think its a control thing because I'm fine with being driven by someone and not being in control of the car
    as I know I could easily get out, unlike a plane where I know there is no escape. I also associate death
    with this phobia, I feel that after death I will still be conscious but in some sort of void unable to cease just in
    nothingness forever, so its not really death I fear but again being in a situation that I can't escape from and have
    no control over. Also growing up I had a fear of
    developing a terminal disease as I associated this with death and the void scenario but
    Also having someone tell me I'm going to die would put me in a situation that I could not escape from, this is
    The same reason I fear situations that aren't associated with death like becoming paralyzed or going to prison
    Because I can't escape and have no control that situation.

    The reason that I'm leaning towards it being a phobia is that
    I'm fine when I don't experience anything that might result in me getting trapped, it's not something that
    affects me daily like general anxiety, also I don't really have obsessive thoughts that come into my mind, I only
    Have them when I know I'm going to have to face a situation that might cause me to become trapped. I did adopt
    some OCD rituals I guess to try to help me avoid these situations eg. tapping something so many times so that I didn't
    get cancer, but I don't do theses anymore because I know
    they don't do anything, I mean I guess I have touch of OCD as I do like to go back and check things like ovens
    Taps to see if they're turned off but this doesn't really hold me back from doing thighs like my fear/phobia of being
    trapped and not being in control. I would just like to understand what this phobia is (if It is one) and
    if anyone else has had similar experiences.

    Sorry if its a bit hard to read, I'm finding it hard to describe.
    Last edited by johnsmoot6; 04-02-2015 at 08:44 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2014
    USA - Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by johnsmoot6 View Post
    I'm a bit confused as to weather what I'm experiencing is a phobia, gaiety disorder, COD or maybe just bad habits or
    behaviors I've developed over the years.

    As a kid I started to develop a fear of being in situations where I couldn't escape from egg stuck in an elevator but
    I've looked at phobias like agoraphobia, claustrophobia and Claustrophobia but I don't fear confined spaces or
    Crowed places I only fear being trapped and knowing that I can never escape. I don't mind going in lifts It's just the
    loss of control and not being able to escape when you enter one that I fear.

    I don't think its a control thing because I'm fine with being driven by someone and not being in control of the car
    as I know I could easily get out, unlike a plane where I know there is no escape. I also associate death
    with this phobia, I feel that after death I will still be conscious but in some sort of void unable to cease just in
    nothingness forever, so its not really death I fear but again being in a situation that I can't escape from and have
    no control over. Also growing up I had a fear of
    developing a terminal disease as I associated this with death and the void scenario but
    Also having someone tell me I'm going to die would put me in a situation that I could not escape from, this is
    The same reason I fear situations that aren't assisted with death like becoming appraised or going to prison
    Because I can't escape and have no control that situation.

    The reason that I'm leaning towards it being a phobia is that
    I'm fine when I don't experience anything that might result in me getting trapped, it's not something that
    affects me daily like general anxiety, also I don't really have obsessive thoughts that come into my mind, I only
    Have them when I know I'm going to have to face a situation that might cause me to become trapped. I did adopt
    some COD rituals I guess to try to help me avoid these situations egg tapping something so many times so that I didn't
    get cancer, but I don't do theses anymore because I know
    they don't do anything, I mean I guess I have touch of COD as I do like to go back and check things like ovens
    Taps to see if they're turned off but this doesn't really hold me back from doing thighs like my fear/phobia of being
    trapped and not being in control. I would just like to understand what this phobia is (if It is one) and
    if anyone else has had similar experiences.

    Sorry if its a bit hard to read, I'm finding it hard to describe.
    "Each person alive helps paint the living picture of civilization as it exists at any given time. Be your own best artist. Your thoughts, feelings, and expectations are like the living brush strokes with which you paint your corner of lifes landscape. If you do your best in your own life, then you are helping to improve the quality of all life. Your thoughts mix and merge with others, to form man's living-scape, providing the vast mental elements from which physical events will be formed"



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