I often think the new accounts with infomercial type posts are sometimes trolls. But that's because you get so many screwed up questions, better left unanswered. I have no doubt, many of from those with existing accounts.
I often think the new accounts with infomercial type posts are sometimes trolls. But that's because you get so many screwed up questions, better left unanswered. I have no doubt, many of from those with existing accounts.
"...the cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation" ~ Terrance McKenna → https://pondermovedhere.blogspot.com/
I remember when we had that trouble with the trolls pretending they were suicidal, Forwells started checking out everyone's accounts at the time, trying to cut down on trolling. He found some people had up to 12 accounts... He banned the ones he found at the time, but for all we know, people were creating accounts then talking to themselves on the same threads. I think most have learnt the lesson now that spamming products etc doesn't sell, but that was quite a stat.
Kyle morgan or whatever his name is, is a skizo now)) he had not leave. After he apologized, his IP was not banned
) From time to time a lot of whining goes around here
''“If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.”
― Rabindranath Tagore
Wow weeklyteachings, thank you. I am sorry you got the response on here that you did, I appreciate what you were trying to do. There are those that will read it and feel so much comfort, I remember I would grasp hold of anything for comfort as my thoughts ran away with themselves at 3am and I would come on these forums and read a post like yours and feel a sense of ease. I think everyone is here for different reasons and here because of different reasons. However we are here because we are battling inner demons, created by experiences, stress etc. So when people react and pick to pieces your post and blog, start mentioning its like an infomercial its because of them and how they perceived things, not because of you and what you wrote. Some need to pick it to pieces to give themselves some control and release there frustration on something. No doubt by writing this I will be attacked by the same people but that's ok, I don't mind and don't care. I come here to touch base once in a while, when life stresses me out and I need to to regroup I come here and realise how far I've come. Its a good thing to do.
So thank you. Any help is a help, someone someday will read the postive thoughts and expressions on here and that could be the trigger that helps someone through a dark hour.
thanks very much