Hi everyone. My name is Sophie, I'm 21 (22 in May!) and live in Western Australia. I guess the reason I sought out an anxiety forum was because I needed to discuss my situation with other people who can offer insight and hopefully advice! I've been aware of my anxiety for about a year now after seeing a psychologist/naturopath because I was suicidal and having panic attacks. The doctor I saw recommended I take supplements (magnesium, iron, vitamin c and zinc) and they do help 80% of the time. Lately though they haven't been working so well, and I think it's because I've reached the point where I have to actually address the things in my life which cause my anxiety...
The problem is that my family don't believe anxiety is a real thing, they think I'm being dramatic and emotional. This in turn makes me doubt myself, maybe I am just being dramatic and emotional?! So I don't like acknowledging that I have a problem because it makes me feel like a drama queen, and I definitely don't like talking about it! I've come to the realization in the past couple of weeks that I do actually have a problem beyond just being dramatic, and that I need to treat it as a physical wound or disability in order to 'fix' myself. So I've tried talking to my mother about my anxiety, I've told her about symptoms I have which are undeniable (Phobias, avoiding social situations, terrible self confidence, not believing anyone truly likes me, over thinking, tiredness, terrible memory...you know how it goes) tried talking about how it is a real thing, like depression, and that there are things my family does which trigger my bad spots and I need them to stop these things! (saying negative things to me about myself, joking about how I have no friends, negative comments all the time about my appearance, pressure to attend their church more regularly etc..) Mostly they just tell me I'm too sensitive, that I need to toughen up and get over it... How do I make my family understand that this is a very real thing for me?? How do I put it into terms that they will understand?
Also does anyone else have the problem where they doubt themselves as far as actually having something wrong with them instead of just being overly dramatic?
I don't know if I've really said what I needed to say...I can't put the words together so I'll just hope that it comes across right. Thanks for reading this all the way through!