Hello all!
I'm new here, joined to ask this question actually.
As the title says, does anyone ever get immensely sleepy during an anxiety attack? Like your body is just about to turn off?
I actually do not suffer much at all with anxiety anymore but I do still get episodes of extreme and aggressive sleepiness; as if my whole body is screaming at me to rest.
The first time I noticed if was during a panic attack I had at my old job about 2 years ago now. It was a very difficult and stressful time in my life, which I am glad I am passed. I would have anxiety attacks a lot, especially when I knew we were having a meeting as I knew I would be trapped in a small room with many people for an extended period of time (this sort of 'can't escape' scenario still makes me uneasy I have to admit). But I began to notice that I would have a panic attack and as I began to control it I would get an overwhelming need to sleep. Knowing there was no way I could fall asleep in a meeting I would begin to freak out again! So I had to choose, passing out snoozing in public (here a professional environment) or run on sickening adrenaline! It was awful!
Since the sleepiness 'attacks' of sorts are still going on in my life I feel like perhaps it was not anxiety alone, I actually am looking to see my doctor soon and ask about investigating into whether I have a sleep disorder like narcolepsy. But before I do I wanted to ask if anyone else had had anything like this for insight.
To be clear, I'm not referring to feeling tired AFTER the attack has passed and calmed down., I'm referring to feeling sleepy AT THE TIME of the attack, as if your body sees no way out but to shut down.