hey guys, new to forum. skipped introduction because i felt it unnessesary for me. just want to get to know if what ive been experiencing is a real disorder by talking to others anonymously. So where to start? gosh. umm. well im an 18 year old guy and what i believe i may suffer from is maybe a strange form of Social anxiety disorder. no im not scared to be infront of others or even put myself center stage. Im pretty confident in myself. i exercise regularly and have many friends. but my peeve is growing an attatchment to a girl. i know this doesnt sound too serious, but my symptoms are a bit more severe i believe. the second i hear of a girl growing attatchment to me or i begin growing an attatchment to a girl, i become almost a sort of different person every time without fail. i grow irratable and uncomfortable. get exrteme shakes and nausious and proceed to vomit almost everytime. even being close to girls makes me become uncomfortable. i often even try to avoid being with certain girls because i knw what will happen. but what really bothers me is that im not really scared (excuse my lack of better wording) of girls. its as if its the thought of getting nausious in my head that triggers itself when around certain girls. im sure yall understand, its hard to really express this stuff so please just try to understand. ive been to my doctor a couple of times and theyve perscribed me and suggested many things to try to fix my problems, unfortunatly nothing has worked. she suggested i talk to people about it and thats what put me in this forum.
my most recent example, theres this girl who has always been around and weve been friends for a while, but the other day i heard she had a liking for me and wanted to be my new years kiss. well i became very nausious and went on to panic sneak away and vomit where nobody could see. i didnt feel any better after my little freak moment. i become very irritable. time went on and long story short, i got some alcohol in my system and felt more like myself and preceeded with how the night shoud have gone (kiss with no problems).
oh and no i dont drink much, i hardley ever drink. (despite how much it helps me get through these situations, i know its not a safe or reliable escape from my problems).
its not just girls that trigger my reactions. eating also does it. for some reason when i eat i become very sick to my stomach and cant eat more than a few bites at most. my doctor hasnt really found anything yet that helps me with this. again, its as if its the thought in my head that causes me to get sick. these thoughts and theyre reactions cannot be avoided. its as if im unintentionally bulemic without the binge eating.
oh and no i am in no way homosexial nor would i say i am unhappy with my body.
i know this all doesnt sound very severe, yet it really does all interfere with my everyday life. is it a anxiety disorder? me and my doctor have reason to believe so but no i cannot say for sure. again its really hard to express what happens with me but i hope yall can understand. any response would be nice so just give me what yall think! thanks!
oh and please excuse all the typos and grammar errors. i was trying to get all my thoughts out as quick as i could!