I have agoraphobia and I'm hoping to take part in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy on the NHS. The problem is how do I attend the sessions, because my depression and anxiety centre is in the next town a few miles away and with having agoraphobia I am unable to travel there?

Can therapy sessions be done with home visits or by meeting the therapist at my local health centre which is only a few minutes walk away?

Does the therapy include exposure, for example the therapist taking me to a busy place like a supermarket or around town at a busy time to conquer my fears? I think this would be very helpful in my case, because I would feel much safer doing the exercise with a therapist.

One thing I think would be ideal is if the therapist takes me to a busy supermarket and waits at the door telling me to walk around the place on my own and try not to return to them for say 10 minutes. That would force me to experience anxiety and fear of having a panic attack, but not to escape. Yes it would be unpleasant but That would in time take away my fear of having a panic attack and give me confidence. Because when a person stops fearing panic then they feel less anxious and even less likely to have a panic attack.