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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Weird OCD symptom - Can anyone help me?

    So I suffer from OCD. The main issue is intrusive sexual thoughts.
    They get to a point that I get a groinal response.

    These thoughts are about things that I don't like so that "response" really scares me. I know it is just part of the OCD but it is ruining many things.
    Almost everything I can connect to the intrusive thinking is a trigger. I always feel like some response down there. Not arousal, just some kind of reaction. Like I'm hyper aware of it.

    It is really the worst part. Worst than the intrusive thoughts and compulsions. It's like my genital area reacts to everything. Every trigger. If I would get punched in the face, I would feel it first down there than in my face. It is ruining everything, I can't do normal activities like I used too. I can't walk normally.
    What can I do?

    FYI I started to take SSRIs but from what I know they don't have any effect on this I think.

    Any advice?

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Hello incotb, I'm new here as well! Can you spare me some of those intrusive sexual thoughts? Haha just joking. I have panic disorder, I know our disorders are different but in ways they're the same. Whenever I'm having a panic attack it is kind of similar to your compulsions, action and reaction. What helps me the most is sitting down and reading, some days I will just look at my phone all day and scroll through facebook or look at my nursing forum to distract myself from what's going on, It's not the best approach I know; however it works for me.



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