I had always been taken care of by my parents who are both 'successful' business people. However after travellng to many parts of the world with my best friend and worst influence i strained the relationship that myself and my parents had. Drugs and alcohol were soon part of my daily life and obviously that was not making my life better although at the time it was really fun.
Some time has past since the last time i used drugs and recently i have been experiencing extra over the top anxiety, and paranoia. I first noticed it when i was smoking MaryJane one day with some strangers and at that moment everthing around me seemed to be focused on me and not in a good way. Gradually things got worse and I stopped because smoking became a fearful thing to do if i was not alone. The habit was replaced with cigarette smoking. I now am startring to see through all crap and i am really trying to overcome this paralyzing emotion. God knows how hard im trying (sigh). I feel as if sharing this is a major step that i need to take in order to feel the way i want to feel and release the build up of pain and supressed emotional baggage, CRY ME A RIVER RIGHT?
Any Im here and im venting, feel free to share your story with me, and any tips on how to better deal with anxiety and paranoia would be greatly and completely appriciated.
M&M A.K.A. MaryMoon
p.s. Since i asked for guidance and tips from you i thought it would only be right if I did the same, in the last few years i have tried sooooo hard to find things to help me overcome this chapter in my life and though i am not completely over it there are a few tools i have found along the way that have helped a lot. Some are free some are not but all of them are worth the time and money (just my humble opinion). Oh and may joy be with you.....
My list
Panic Away Program
It costs around 70 dollars, and it has some super basic techniques to deal with anxiety and panic attacks in everday life situations. I think is a bit expensive for most people, but i must also admit that it is worth every penny. Of all the programs and products i have tried this one has helped the most so far.
A course in Miracles
This is a book, which is so much more than a book. This book is for spiritual people or those interested in the souls evolution and getting back in touch with the higher self and so much more. Its an interesting book that will challange everything you think you know, and so it can be very intense, but there is something which inately seems real and true about every word. And ITS FREE. You can download it at the link below.
Cure Anxiety and Panic Attacks
This program is great value for money because it is only 30 dollars. It is also really practical since you can purchase the audio book which you can listen to with your mp3 player or even your phone these days. I listen to my copy often and it lifts my spirits and relaxes me evrey time. You can actually listen to the first chapter for free to see if its something worth you while or not.
I really hope this little list will help you as much as it has helped me with dealing with what i call my gremlins. Let me know how you get on.