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Thread: Missing out

  1. #1

    Missing out

    I have recently been reintroduced to my friend anxiety. After a year long battle with it, including many therapy sessions, medications, alternative methods, and finally anti-depressants I no longer had panic attacks or a general anxious feeling. It always lingered but it didn't control me. I spent about 6mo on Prozac until I decided to get off of it and I felt just fine, in fact I didn't have a panic attack for nearly 3 years. This January I started getting anxious again and it eventually led to nighttime panic attacks, which almost send me to the hospital Every time. I'm now, as I write this talking myself out of an impending heart attack and sending my mind into panic. I think the hardest part of this is the fact that I am terrified to be away from home, driving is extremely difficult for me, and travel is almost unfathomable.
    What kind of piece of mind has helped your anxiety? What resources are you taking advantage of that help? I'm trying really hard to avoid getting back on meds, but this is obviously not a way to live.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    OC, California
    Quote Originally Posted by Sierra Gibson View Post
    I have recently been reintroduced to my friend anxiety. After a year long battle with it, including many therapy sessions, medications, alternative methods, and finally anti-depressants I no longer had panic attacks or a general anxious feeling. It always lingered but it didn't control me. I spent about 6mo on Prozac until I decided to get off of it and I felt just fine, in fact I didn't have a panic attack for nearly 3 years. This January I started getting anxious again and it eventually led to nighttime panic attacks, which almost send me to the hospital Every time. I'm now, as I write this talking myself out of an impending heart attack and sending my mind into panic. I think the hardest part of this is the fact that I am terrified to be away from home, driving is extremely difficult for me, and travel is almost unfathomable.
    What kind of piece of mind has helped your anxiety? What resources are you taking advantage of that help? I'm trying really hard to avoid getting back on meds, but this is obviously not a way to live.

    Sorry to hear that. I had to take Lorazapem, I tried not to medicate. I needed to keep my job and cant stand feeling like I am going to have a real break down. Question - do you have a idea what triggered this?

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Welcome to the forum, meditation is one way to go, you may try some herbs if you have access to someone who knows how to use them. Anxiety comes back a soon as you are not careful. It is like smoking habit. would you be interested in trying meditation?
    ''“If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.”
    ― Rabindranath Tagore

  4. #4
    Hey Sierra, I really do understand how you feel.

    My stomach's been messed up due to my anxiety. I tend to fixated on physical symptoms and then blow them out of proportion. With this latest flare up, I've been casting my net farther than before. Here are some of the thoughts that I've been gathering:

    Remember this is all so temporary; anxiety doesn't last. You will laugh and sing again, probably sooner than you think.
    Keep going; this is Hell. Don't stop to take in the sights!
    Journal like mad. Slowing down your thought cycle is part of the benefit. Getting it out of your head is another.
    Don't be afraid to continue reaching out to others. You need support. This is ok.
    Finally, love and forgive yourself. Anxiety isn't wrong or shameful. It just sucks.

    Best wishes, Love.



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