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  1. #1

    Unhappy Is this anxiety related? I feel like it's the end of my life...


    I'm new to this forum, and have actually never posted anything online about this. But here goes....

    I've had anxiety since I was in middle school, more so, just anxiety attacks. It wasn't until I got older that stress became involved and it at times made my anxiety worse.
    Unfortunately, I've hit an all-time low with my anxiety (or so I hope so). This past summer, I left my seasonal job to work for a federal position. Problem is, the position doesn't start for another week, and I don't know FOR SURE
    If I have the position hands down, 100%. I have no health insurance because until then, and if I don't get it, I'm screwed until I eventually find something else which could be how long. The stress all started a few months ago, at my old job, where I constantly was being stressed at work, I ached all over (I worked at a farm) and I had read several things about young people (I'm 5'11, 160 some pounds, 26 years old) that had freak brain aneurism, heart attacks, and strokes. And since then, coupled with the stress at work, the aches and pains, and now the fact I may or may not have a job is doing a nightmare session on my mind and body. My anxiety has never been this bad, it was always just random panic attacks which I could deal with easily as I got older to the point where they went away almost completely. (I know it never will go away 100% but that's ok). I have weird pulling sensations in my right arm, pins and needles, headaches, panic attacks when it gets too bad, and I'm constantly checking in the mirror to see if my face is drooping like a stroke. I had my blood pressure done about a year and half ago and the guy said he wished his blood pressure was mine. I have almost no family history aside my grandfather and uncle on the same side having heart problems. I'm convinced however, I am going to die. I feel terrible for my girlfriend, I'm so sick of it getting this bad. I was actually okay for a little until I got on tonight and happened to read some a**hole commentator who decided to add in her two cents about how her sister felt panicky and went to the doctors, and they found 5 blood clots in her lungs. Now, obviously, I'm a wreck again. Someone...anyone...PLEASE tell me its just anxiety and its most likely not a stroke or a heart attack. Also.....forgot to add that my father, and his father all had anxiety issues as well. My grandfather even thought he was having a heart attack at one time, yet my dad says it was just the anxiety. Which I understand.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    East Coast, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by MJBoyle88 View Post

    I'm new to this forum, and have actually never posted anything online about this. But here goes....

    I've had anxiety since I was in middle school, more so, just anxiety attacks. It wasn't until I got older that stress became involved and it at times made my anxiety worse.
    Unfortunately, I've hit an all-time low with my anxiety (or so I hope so). This past summer, I left my seasonal job to work for a federal position. Problem is, the position doesn't start for another week, and I don't know FOR SURE
    If I have the position hands down, 100%. I have no health insurance because until then, and if I don't get it, I'm screwed until I eventually find something else which could be how long. The stress all started a few months ago, at my old job, where I constantly was being stressed at work, I ached all over (I worked at a farm) and I had read several things about young people (I'm 5'11, 160 some pounds, 26 years old) that had freak brain aneurism, heart attacks, and strokes. And since then, coupled with the stress at work, the aches and pains, and now the fact I may or may not have a job is doing a nightmare session on my mind and body. My anxiety has never been this bad, it was always just random panic attacks which I could deal with easily as I got older to the point where they went away almost completely. (I know it never will go away 100% but that's ok). I have weird pulling sensations in my right arm, pins and needles, headaches, panic attacks when it gets too bad, and I'm constantly checking in the mirror to see if my face is drooping like a stroke. I had my blood pressure done about a year and half ago and the guy said he wished his blood pressure was mine. I have almost no family history aside my grandfather and uncle on the same side having heart problems. I'm convinced however, I am going to die. I feel terrible for my girlfriend, I'm so sick of it getting this bad. I was actually okay for a little until I got on tonight and happened to read some a**hole commentator who decided to add in her two cents about how her sister felt panicky and went to the doctors, and they found 5 blood clots in her lungs. Now, obviously, I'm a wreck again. Someone...anyone...PLEASE tell me its just anxiety and its most likely not a stroke or a heart attack. Also.....forgot to add that my father, and his father all had anxiety issues as well. My grandfather even thought he was having a heart attack at one time, yet my dad says it was just the anxiety. Which I understand.
    I am here to save the day

    It is just anxiety related

    Thoughts do not equal reality

    Anxious folks think they do

    If you think it and believe the false messages, then it becomes your reality
    "Y'all didn't have to shoot me" ~ Harambe

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    A great point made Nixon.

    Mj, great advice would be to not read about symptoms, freak episodes of whatever. You don't know anything about those people and the factors that go into those events. Family history, other medical prognosis. You just hear the end result. Stay away from fear inducing media such as the news and focus on becoming well. I've just written a long guide to understanding anxiety and moving past it. Take a peek and follow the advice. Don't make fear your reality.



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