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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Berlin, Germany

    Anxiety, depression, stress, etc. HELP!

    Hello all,

    It has been awhile since I have been on here but I am back for your advice and support. I have been in a long distance relationship for close to 5 months now with a woman who I love and adore. We see each other as often as we can. She came and stayed with me for a month in July and we had a great time. When it was time for her to head home we were both upset and in tears for days. It was the hardest goodbye for me. We had two weeks between us until we would see each other again. Those two weeks were stressful and filled with fighting. We were both concerned to what would happen to us when we saw each other. I got to her place last tuesday evening late and everything was great, as if nothing ever happened. We were both SO excited to see each other. Well last wednesday I started to get the racing heart and hard to breathe feeling and then started feeling like something wasn't right between me and her. I talked with her about it and it obviously made her very upset. I continued to have these feelings on and off each day for the week I was there. Most of the time I was fine, when we were out and about or doing something with people I was mostly fine. It was the worst when we were alone and in silence, that's why I feel that this was anxiety. Well, she is scared that I have lost my feelings for her and that our relationship is over. I flew back home last night and cried the whole flight home because I missed her and did not want to leave. I never cried that much. Anytime I look at pictures of us, I cry. I am very emotional right now. I honestly cannot imagine that I have truly lost feelings for her, because she is absolutely wonderful for me. I have this issue where I obsess over thoughts and cause problems that don't exist. This normally happens when I get pains, I obsess over them and then convince myself it's a serious illness. The same way I obsess over that is the same way I am obsessing over these ,,out of place'' feelings in my relationship.

    Now I am coming to you all to ask if you guys have done the same due to anxiety or depression, making problems in your relationship even though you have a perfectly good relationship? Is it possible for anxiety and depression to cause you to feel this way? I am really confused to these feelings and I do not want to leave her. There is no other woman in my life nor have I imagined a life without her. I just want to get these thoughts and feelings out of my head so I can go back to living my life normally with her. I hope someone here can give me some insight or advice! This is driving me crazy!

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    May 2014
    USA - Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by Cory Jürgen Wochnik View Post
    Hello all,

    It has been awhile since I have been on here but I am back for your advice and support. I have been in a long distance relationship for close to 5 months now with a woman who I love and adore. We see each other as often as we can. She came and stayed with me for a month in July and we had a great time. When it was time for her to head home we were both upset and in tears for days. It was the hardest goodbye for me. We had two weeks between us until we would see each other again. Those two weeks were stressful and filled with fighting. We were both concerned to what would happen to us when we saw each other. I got to her place last tuesday evening late and everything was great, as if nothing ever happened. We were both SO excited to see each other. Well last wednesday I started to get the racing heart and hard to breathe feeling and then started feeling like something wasn't right between me and her. I talked with her about it and it obviously made her very upset. I continued to have these feelings on and off each day for the week I was there. Most of the time I was fine, when we were out and about or doing something with people I was mostly fine. It was the worst when we were alone and in silence, that's why I feel that this was anxiety. Well, she is scared that I have lost my feelings for her and that our relationship is over. I flew back home last night and cried the whole flight home because I missed her and did not want to leave. I never cried that much. Anytime I look at pictures of us, I cry. I am very emotional right now. I honestly cannot imagine that I have truly lost feelings for her, because she is absolutely wonderful for me. I have this issue where I obsess over thoughts and cause problems that don't exist. This normally happens when I get pains, I obsess over them and then convince myself it's a serious illness. The same way I obsess over that is the same way I am obsessing over these ,,out of place'' feelings in my relationship.

    Now I am coming to you all to ask if you guys have done the same due to anxiety or depression, making problems in your relationship even though you have a perfectly good relationship? Is it possible for anxiety and depression to cause you to feel this way? I am really confused to these feelings and I do not want to leave her. There is no other woman in my life nor have I imagined a life without her. I just want to get these thoughts and feelings out of my head so I can go back to living my life normally with her. I hope someone here can give me some insight or advice! This is driving me crazy!

    Thanks in advance!
    Insight: you are deathly afraid and triggered by the fear of loss of love. And this dates way back, as a child. As a self fulfilling prophecy you will push her away, corroborating your immature childish beliefs of abandonment, loss because it is the child doing the thinking. You have her mixed up with a parent, for the forgotten memories cause the past and present to mesh indistinguishable between the two, you have no clarity who it is your afraid of being separated from. Is it mom, or is it your girlfriend, one superimposed over the other.

    Your thoughts are attracted to you like a magnet, because of your fear. You expect them. The sadness is age old, however you never faced it, so now you unjustly cry for her when the tears are from them, many years ago. You are both in an adult body, and a small child, at once.

    Unless this is discovered and healed, you will continue the course. Examine your childhood, heal the pain and pangs of separation and loss, in the meantime tell her to be patient with you, you love her, but your wrestling with unresolved issues, and mention them. Open and honest.

    She too has these same issues, so you were attracted to each other, work them out together and your bond will be spiritually unbreakable, forever, period, end of insight for you, and it's all you need.
    Last edited by Im-Suffering; 08-20-2014 at 06:17 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Berlin, Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by Im-Suffering View Post
    Insight: you are deathly afraid of loss of love. And this dates way back, as a child. As a self fulfilling prophecy you will push her away, corroborating your immature childish beliefs of abandonment, loss because it is the child doing the thinking. You have her mixed up with a parent, for the forgotten memories cause the past and present to mesh indistinguishable between the two, you have no clarity who it is your afraid of.

    Your thoughts are attracted to you like a magnet, because of your fear. You expect them. The sadness is age old, however you never faced it, so now you unjustly cry for her when the tears are from them, many years ago. You are both in an adult body, and a small child, at once.

    Unless this is discovered and healed, you will continue the course. Examine your childhood, and in the meantime tell her to be patient with you, you love her, but your wrestling with unresolved issues, and mention them.

    She too has these same issues, so you were attracted to each other, work them out together and your bond will be unbreakable, forever, period, end of insight for you, and it's all you need.

    I kind've understand what you mean. We both had many issues the past years and since we've met, we've both grown up tremendously. How can we go about fixing these issues of the past? I have set myself up for therapy and am waiting on a call for an appointment. Any other suggestions?

  4. #4
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    USA - Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by Cory Jürgen Wochnik View Post
    I kind've understand what you mean. We both had many issues the past years and since we've met, we've both grown up tremendously. How can we go about fixing these issues of the past? I have set myself up for therapy and am waiting on a call for an appointment. Any other suggestions?
    I have edited my post, so reread.

    In therapy explore these issues. In the meantime, when you have a powerful feeling, instead of giving in to its power...have power over it and dig into it for answers. Ask it questions. "Why do I feel this way, what do you have to tell me, what's the story behind you" sit across from you as a child and hug it out, ask him to tell you his fearful stories, and share in the love for he feels unloved, do you understand ? Console him. And let him release the tears of the past bringing into light new beliefs, more secure, confident, safe. The child wants recognition that he never received, he never felt validated, heard, the tears you shed are for him, period. Have empathy for yourself, no exceptions here.

    Your situation now is the trigger to heal yourself, period. It has nothing to do with her. She is the catalyst for your change, period.

    Since she shares these issues work through them together and openly discuss your fears. Lovingly. Supportingly, you see. Keep the inner work described above personal for that's your life challenge, but one will certainly reinforce and benefit the other, hand in hand.

    This has been a reading for you this morning, I have responded to your outcries. That is all. Reread the thread numerous times and then decide to act.

    End of message
    Last edited by Im-Suffering; 08-20-2014 at 06:36 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Berlin, Germany
    Thank you. I appreciate your insight. I will read this as much as needed until I make progress and even though check up on it.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    USA - Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by Cory Jürgen Wochnik View Post
    Thank you. I appreciate your insight. I will read this as much as needed until I make progress and even though check up on it.
    Remember the lamenting and sadness are age old now, for in the moment you are in love. Stay current, in that space there would be joy and anticipation of the next visit, and imaginings in your mind of future plans.

    Misguided emotions are a distorted offshoot of love. Purify your love by thinking aright and settling unwanted invasive emotions. (Let the inner child purge the repressed feelings)

    So your thoughts are in the past, forgetting the origins you mix them with the current space. An error in thinking and faulty beliefs. Truly get that, and your life will change.

    It has been a most beneficial reading for you today, blessings to you on your journey.

    Complete at 8:49 am est
    Last edited by Im-Suffering; 08-20-2014 at 06:49 AM.



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