I take 20mg of citalopram everyday. I take Valium/Diazepam when i have a major attack. Knowing i have valium in my bag just incase i have an anxiety attack keeps me at work. Problem is... i only have one pill left and the doctor is refusing to give me more as it is a very addictive drug. The doctor knows i only take one when i REALLY need it... which is usually around once every 2 weeks at work. Now that i only have one left i keep panicking because i do not have a back-up now. I will eventually stop being able to go to work as i will be too anxious to leave the house. Valium is the only thing that helps.
I have seen Councillors, nutritionists (herbal remedies) and therapists. I am currently on my 8th session of hypnotherapy... seems like theres nothing else that can help