Hello everyone First of all, I'd like to say that I love this website. Knowing that there are others who've struggled, fought, and overcome their anxiety has provided me with endless inspiration. It's the reason I've recently decided to tackle my own! I'm beginning by plucking up the courage to actually post something on here for the very first time. I've written a few posts in the past, but got discouraged and never submitted them.
In the interest of bettering myself, though, I decided to not only write this post, but also to take it a step further by starting a blog. In it, I hope to develop and record some tools for dealing with anxiety on a day-to-day basis, and then to personally test them by tackling each and every one of my fears. My ultimate goal is to be cured of anxiety in a year. Whether or not I'm actually capable of pulling that off is a (very daunting) mystery, but I'm going to try.
I just want to "pay it forward," as the expression goes. If only one person gains something of use from this thing, it will have been worth it. Alternatively, if no one reads it at all, I can still continue it as a sort of personal log to mark my (potentially imaginary) progress! Win-win!
In any case, let me just say thank you again. Reading all of your experiences, your support, your epiphanies, and even your occasional failures has been invaluable to me, as it has let me know I'm not alone. I don't know if I ever would've found the strength to start this blog without you.
Now, without further ado, I'm just gonna go ahead and throw out this link:
joyoverfear. wordpress. com
(Please delete the spaces between the periods. Apparently, I'm too new here to post actual links).
With continued gratitude,