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Thread: Plzzz help

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Plzzz help

    Help....how can I get rid of my anxiety issue...?
    Ever since I had a stomachache in class with only 3 other ppl (one of them was my crush....sitting right next to me)......and farted.....it was a small squeak...but that haunted me forever...it has now been 2 or 3 years since then...but I still struggle to not have an anxiety attack when I sit near others.....I'm in high school, so it's hard to not sit right next to your fellow classmates and I'm tired of worrying everyday and thinking about how I can make my farts silent. Usually I don't even need to pass gas, but the thought and the memory makes me so nervous....and my thoughts make me want to fart....and this is literally ruining my life....I'm a girl and I'm pretty sure most ppl think it's disgusting for girls to pass gas, idk wat to do....I'll probably have college I interviews soon and I can't live with this problem anymore, so plz take a few minutes of your time and help me...plz....thank you so much....I really don't know what to do anymore

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Atlanta, Georgia US
    Try to get rid of any trapped gas by walking as much as you can before class. But please don't worry about it, I DO NOT think that is going to happen to you. Even if the worse case scenario happened, but I DO NOT THINK it will, just laugh about it. People respect others who can laugh about things. And don't worry about the guys, for some unknown reason, that doesn't bother them. They think it's funny, while us girls don't.



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