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View Poll Results: Has meditation helped you to deal with anxiety?

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  • Yes, meditation has helped me

    7 70.00%
  • I have been meditating regularly for at least half a year and it din't help me AT ALL

    0 0%
  • I tried meditating for a small period of time and then gave up

    2 20.00%
  • I didn't meditate at all

    1 10.00%
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Results 11 to 15 of 15
  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC View Post
    I am guilty of this myself. Laziness and lack of knowledge. I have been reading the official site of the Dali lama and when he was asked what are the reasons why people do not practice meditation his very first response was Laziness. Guilty AS CHARGED. I guess it is easier to take a pill or pill's ? BUT, i am working on it.
    Yes, it is right.

    But i guess there are more reasons.

    The most serious of them is that some person with problem thinks his problem is very unique. And he has his own interpretation for the reasons of his problems, which is caused by his condition.

    He thinks: "Oh I am so unhappy, my life is so tragic, I have a bad job, I don't have much money, I don't have good relationships, that is why I suffer. I know that meditation can calm my mind and my nerves. But will it bring me those things I need to be happy? Will it bring me money? Or make me attractive to women? I guess not! Meditation may help somebody with other problems. But it will not help me with my problems."

    But the thing is that meditation can completely change the way we perceive our problems. Today we think that we suffer because of absence of some things, because our mind is polluted with depressive thoughts, attachments and illusions. It can't clearly see the real cause of the problem.

    But when you meditate you came to the real reason of your suffering. Meditation is really not only about making people calm and controlling their emotions. It is about seeing things clearly. Things as they are. And when you see the real reasons of your problems, than you can come with constructive solution of fixing it.

    PS. Of course meditation calms your nerves and make your more happy by changing biological processes in your brain. But this is not the only thing. It changes your mind, though it can perceive things more objectively.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    I see where you are coming from. I have a lot of those thoughts right now as I sit here before work this morning. I just have to get my self started some how ( meditating )

  3. #13
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Try repeat, I am posting thread about meditation and it is disappointing that no many people are interested in. It is the easiest tool to help with depression, ocd, negative thinking and overall it helps the whole body.
    Nevertheless i am posting links to meditation, even if only one person tries it and start to use it, it is worth it)
    Do not stop posting and sharing your expierence, I appreciate it very much ) thank you

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Dahila View Post
    Nevertheless i am posting links to meditation, even if only one person tries it and start to use it, it is worth it)
    Good words! Thank you! I have to remember that!)

  5. #15
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    We already got John, he got interested, and I have a feeling he will meditate, maybe not today but soon



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