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Thread: Also a newbie!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Also a newbie!

    I'm 19 years old and I struggle with anxiety, depression, agoraphobia with panic disorder and PMDD.

    About a month ago, two weeks before my menstruation cycle, something in me snapped and all rationality went out the window. I couldn't eat, sleep, think straight, I was crying, shaking, severely depressed, and I couldn't function for the life of me..

    The really intense feelings went away after two to three days of heavy bleeding, but I'm still not myself..

    I'm still having trouble sleeping, and I think the fear of that happening again is driving me insane..

    I'm desperate

    My goals for joining is to hopefully learn better coping skills, find people who've gone through the same stuff as me, and maybe feel better about all this..

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Jelly whirl. Now that's quite the username

    Are you UK or American? Jelly means something totally different in that crazy ol place we call 'Merica.

    You're even younger than I was when my anxiety became full blown. Same as a few guys here recently. I got it bad at around 21. I look back and think thank god I at least had 18/19/20 pretty stress free!

    I feel a little awkward talking in a thread about PMDD, but I'll stay strong for you here.

    Fear of the fear is horrible. My first panic attack caused 10 more after it, just because I was so scared of that whole episode. If I'd have had amnesia, I'd have probably lived the rest of my life fine, but it was hard to get that earth shattering incident out of my mind. The anxiety it caused caused more anxiety.

    Writing can help. When you write, you're less fearful. You become more accepting. Connecting with others like you, that helps too. Makes you feel less powerless. That's a big deal. Sometimes getting a small benzo RX and just keeping it in my drawer can be comforting. Knowing there's something in there that can relax you if you get desperate, that can be really helpful.

    I hope to see you around here anyway. You'll meet your goals here for sure. People are friendly. I have about 70 here on my Facebook page, it's a very supportive group.

    Post a lot
    Last edited by jessed03; 05-05-2014 at 07:29 AM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    OK my curiosity is peaked about the different jelly meanings!!!!! Sorry to off the topic on the thread.

  4. #4
    Hi my name is Mark and I have suffered from anxiety attacks. Just wanted to introduce myself.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Hey guys my name is Sam. I struggle daily with anxiety and constant worry throughout the day. I'm new to this so I just wanted to introduce myself as well.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Thanks, jessed03, your reply has really lifted my spirits today. I'm glad that others.. well that others have suffered and have learned how to cope, (gosh, I hope that doesn't sound bad..!) and I'm glad that they're more than willing to help! I'm normally not very organized and kinda forgetful.. so every time I try to write about my feelings, I always end up skipping a few days purely by accident, but reading through other threads made me realize how much it's helped others so I'm ready to give it another go.

    My curiosity peaked as well, haha! I'm from the US. When the first Tinkerbell movie came out, there was a website called Pixie Hollow where you could just float about with other pixie people, to name your pixie you had to choose pre-determined words from a drop list and Jellywhirl is what my pixie's first name was, I thought is was really cute haha so I saved it and use it for various things..! I just hope it isn't taken as something... different?

    And it's nice to meet you, Sam and Golferman.



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