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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2013

    Exclamation I'm dying right now, I don't know what's going on?

    About 8 months ago I woke up with extreme derealization, a very altered sense of smell (extremely sensitive bringing back vivid memories), which eventually transformed into panic attacks and anxiety over what appeared to be nothing 24/7. I had since been feeling a little better, but have still had a slight weird anxious feeling in my head (feels very tight and a nauseous) and my chest. It literally feels like adrenaline is being pumped into my system 24/7.

    I have nothing to be anxious about. I definitely did at the time, but it doesn't make sense as I went to bed FINE and woke up at 2 AM and my life had changed. The reason I am writing now is I am feeling EXTREMELY bad right now, like I drank 4 cups of coffee and my body is tired but extremely wired at the same time... Obviously this feels similar to anxiety but definitely feels as if something else is wrong. I have been to a psychologist, taken natural remedies, worked out, tried a bunch of things that have not seemed to help. I feel very sensitive to heat right now and am sighing and yawning like every 10 minutes.

    I know this is an anxiety forum, and to be honest My brother died, my mom is an alchoholic, my girlfriend left me for a woman, I was fired and rehired from my job, and recently met someone new that I really like. But this all happened AFTER this started, and while it could give me regular anxiety, this does not feel like anxiety caused by anything specific. Anyone have any ideas as to what else this might be? I have yet to go to a regular doctor, I jumped right into a psychologist and psychiatrist instead of getting anything checked.

    Also, I really, really freaking like this girl I met. She is my dream girl and likes me back, but when she finds out how disabled I know she will leave me. I will NOT be able to take the heartbreak of knowing I lost something because of this fucking anxiety, I can't lose any more. It makes me anxious even thinking about her, but like I said this feels like something else. I have a terrible sleep schedule and eating habbits. And also got tinnitus at a recent concert that has made this worse.

    Please please please, give me your thoughts and opinions. Is there ANYTHING that could cause feelings like this not related to psychological issues? I feel like someone is pumping adrenaline into my veins.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2013
    The really anxious restless feeling came back about 2 days ago after trying a new weight gaining supplement and seeing this girl for the second time. I'm not sure the relevance if any, but I feel terrible right now.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2013
    Hey Cody, have your thyroid tested...and have them do a 24 hour urine to test for something called a pheochromacytoma. Which I am certain you don't have either...but if it was a medical condition..those would be the things I'd be worried about. If your brain is just hyper anxiety right now which it seriously and probably is. Ask for a beta blocker maybe to help with the adrenaline. That way you aren't stuck on benzos. What does your doctor think?
    ؟•❤◦.¸¸. ◦✿ Alaina ❤◦.¸¸. ◦✿?

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ab123 View Post
    Hey Cody, have your thyroid tested...and have them do a 24 hour urine to test for something called a pheochromacytoma. Which I am certain you don't have either...but if it was a medical condition..those would be the things I'd be worried about. If your brain is just hyper anxiety right now which it seriously and probably is. Ask for a beta blocker maybe to help with the adrenaline. That way you aren't stuck on benzos. What does your doctor think?
    So far I haven't spoken to a regular doctor yet, only a psychiatrist and psychologist who try to address the anxiety side of things. I have been prescribed benzos, and have some knowledge of what they can do to people. I do not want more pain later on for some relief now, which is why I refuse medication.

    How can I calm my brain down though? I've done everything I can to live a normal life to no avail, and panic nearly every time I leave my house. Yesterday I met up with this girl and literally felt the need to throw up for about 15 minutes when she got in the car. Why? What is going on now that hasn't happened before and is it even possible to fix it.

    The altered sense of smell is terrible too. Everything also feels and looks like a dream. I'll go to a regular doctor this weekend and see what kind of tests he can run for me. I'm losing my will to live, and if my only option is to be alone for the rest of my life because of this, I will choose to end my life, regretfully. I feel it's such a selfish thing to say and do, but I would rather feel NOTHING AT ALL than this forever.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2013
    You wont be alone, and it isn't the end all be all of your life. If it Comes down to it. Don't be afraid to use the benzos every once in a while. Download the book by Claire weekes. Hope and help for your nerves. It will kick start you... Plus if there is an underlying medical reason. That's easy to fix. Don't give up you can do this!!!!
    ؟•❤◦.¸¸. ◦✿ Alaina ❤◦.¸¸. ◦✿?



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