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Thread: Hello

  1. #1


    So I'm new to the forum after reading other people's posts for quite some time.
    So here are some of my symptoms first of all:
    -Shooting pains
    -Feeling like I'm going to faint or pass out
    -Twitching and vibrating (Usually in the hand)
    -Feelings of unreality

    So that's just to name a few, and I also have an EXTREME fear of brain tumors or cancer. So now on to why I'm here; I was sitting down petting my cat, when randomly everything started to feel a bit surreal, and I said something pretty random out loud, and I can't remember the reason I said it quite well, I really don't know, my brain follows a lot of trails of thought that lead to nowhere, But then I was thinking to myself immediately after, "wait... Why did I say that?" and then as I began to wonder everything became intensely surreal and odd feeling, like I was losing it. I was saying to myself at the time "Okay I'm definitely going insane this time or having some sort of seizure from a brain tumor". I can't even explain the feeling really, it feels like my field of view got pulled back and distorted (It didn't really, but it just... Felt like it), and after that brief but extreme feeling of unreality I immediately began panicking, the most I have ever felt. My brain was constantly scattering trying to figure out why I said the completely random phrase amidst the panicking. Now the only thing I can think of is that I have a brain tumor or I'm going insane, and I can't shake this worry. So if someone can put my mind at ease a bit it would be greatly appreciated.

    Also on a last note, I'm 15, so I know the probabilities of a brain tumor are low.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Hey Penguin.

    It does sound like you experienced a pretty bad case of DR/DP right there doesn't it. Those surreal feelings sure are horrible.

    Do you have a brain tumour from what you've described? Let's just say I wouldn't bet that you do, even if I was using fake money

    Everything you've described seems a normal part of your condition.

    Right down to the fear of the brain tumour itself. As you know of course

    I was always a brain guy. Many others here are heart worriers. I was always kind if cool with my heart. The brain stuff worried me most. I won't list the fears I had incase they trigger something, but anything brain/neurological, my anxiety was all over it.

    You know the list of symptoms, you've typed yours out. It's often very helpful to label symptoms as just that, SENSATIONS. When you think Uh oh, what's this. This doesn't feel good. Could this be bad... All it does it makes your nervous system more aggravated, and keeps you stressed. It keeps the amygdala (part of your brain responsible for anxiety) hyped up and over sensitive)

    The less you react = less anxiety eventually.

    I know that's not easy though. Still, slow and steady does it. You're still so young. So much of your life to live, you can get a handle on this.

    I remember a lot of the time I felt like my head was being whacked with an invisible baseball bat. Very terrifying. After a while, I realized it wouldn't kill me, and started to label everything I got as a symptom of stress and anxiety, or perhaps of hyperchondria. With time, they all begun to reduce and I became more relaxed again.

    The less you dwell, the more you feel swell!

    Just practice it as you go about your day to day life. It's hard, it can even be very hard, but it does become easier. Anything you can do to stop yourself dwelling on your stress, thoughts and symptoms will help. Distraction, reassuring yourself, challenging your thoughts etc. All good.

    It'd be a darn shame to waste some great years worrying about something you don't have.

    Save that until you turn 40, then you'll have a legitimate thing to have panic attacks over....


    Take care, and cute pic btw

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    United States
    I feel just like you , it's a horrible feeling that nobody can understand. I have been dealing with severe anxiety for about 2 years now and nothing bad has happened, I've worried about heart failure, Tumors ,stroking, and mental illness and in 2 years not one of those things has happened.
    Of course you try to rationalize it but then anxiety logic comes in saying "what if this and what if that" making you panic or become very anxious. These thoughts are just thoughts nothing more thinking about something is not going to make it happen if this were the case then I'd be a millionaire LOL. Think of anxiety kind of a blessing in disguise we put so much time and energy worrying about irrelevant things now imagine if we were to put all the energy onto something good, think about



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