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Thread: Chest Pain

  1. #1

    Chest Pain

    Over the past two or three days I have had dull pain in the upper chest region. Kind of a tight chest type feeling as well. Last week I was diagnosed with acid reflux and have since been put on medication. I'm also on anti-depressants. Over course with having generalized anxiety disorder my immediate thought about this pain was all negative things. The pain seems to be more noticeable in some positions and I seem to be out of breath at points. Could this just be a combination of anxiety and acid reflux? I am a 16 year old boy.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Yes, it could be a combination of anxiety and acid reflux.

    Don't worry it's normal. It's called hyperventilation. You're taking in too much air. Learn to breath right.

    http://healthland.time.com/2012/10/0...nutes-or-less/ - Do one of these methodes for 10 minutes every day or whenever you feel chest pain.

    Don't google anything, please. Google = make the pain worse.

    Proffesor deReal - at your service!

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Theguythatworries View Post
    Over the past two or three days I have had dull pain in the upper chest region. Kind of a tight chest type feeling as well. Last week I was diagnosed with acid reflux and have since been put on medication. I'm also on anti-depressants. Over course with having generalized anxiety disorder my immediate thought about this pain was all negative things. The pain seems to be more noticeable in some positions and I seem to be out of breath at points. Could this just be a combination of anxiety and acid reflux? I am a 16 year old boy.
    I've been having a dull pain that comes and goes, feels like a kick or punch in the center of my chest. I believe it is reflux and anxiety makes it a lot worse. It's scary though



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