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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    muscle twitches- can anyone relate?- my anxiety story

    Hi, I'm new to this site and also to anxiety.

    I would really appreciate it if you read my story and see if you've been experiencing anything similar!

    Back in January one of my good friends at school had a seizure in one of the lessons of which I was in, it was a horrible experience which really affected me. She has a mild form of cerebal polsey (don't know if that's spelt right) and also had seizures as a baby so she is at a high risk of having them. However ever since this event I've been absolutely terrified that I'm also going to have a seizure, even though I have no health problems and have never had any reason for me to be epileptic. I've been constantly worrying about it and a about a month ago started showing physical symptoms of anxiety. It started with strange sensations in my face and shaking and has now lead to muscle twitching, sometimes tremors, a pounding heart rate and I can feel my pulse is very strong. I've been to the doctors who seem to think it's anxiety and have had my bloods done and everything is normal and I'm in good health. When I'm at school and concentrating on something else or just chatting with friends it goes away as I'm not thinking about it. I'm absolutely terrified I'm epileptic and hate leaving the house now it's effecting me so much. Has anyone else been experiencing anything similar?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2011
    It does sound like a common anxiety experience to me!

    Something I think most of us have been through at one time or another.

    Some of those twitches can really be scary. I remember jolting awake, having my arm spasm, legs vibrate. They are just anxiety though, as are most of the symptoms you've mentioned.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    May 2011
    Usually people's anxiety latches onto to something they've had experience with. Mine latched into schizophrenia as my cousin was diagnosed with it.

    Another girl on here became very heart obsessed as her aunt had a heart attack.

    Many people get stuck on cancer anxiety after having somebody they know diagnosed with it.

    The nature of the beast is to latch onto that which scares you.

    Take a read of Fourteens thread in the sticky, it may help. It's about reframing fears in your mind. It's called HEALTH ANXIETY EXPOSED.

    He's a therapist, so he manages to get a little wood on the ball now and again

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    ah I will have a look thankyou for the reassurance!



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