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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    PLEASE HELP, now more than ever

    I know I've been posting about my anxiety a lot lately. I'm sorry about that. I'm at work right now after suffering a massive attack today, crying, no control over body, vomiting. The Xanax doesn't seem to help the way it used to. I'm not sure if this is a rut I'm going through or this is the way my life is going to be. My wife, God bless her heart, is starting to show signs of frustration as is my mother who is my guardian angle. I need you guys and girls more than ever. I feel like in losing my mind and may have to commit myself. And that is not an option. Again I apologize for posting so much.

  2. #2
    Hi there! Don't be sorry for posting. Are you doing better???

  3. #3
    There is no need to do that commit yourself unless you have a plan to harm you or others. Try to find a therapist After years to months of having daily panic attacks and phobias. I'm finally getting the help I really need.
    Learn to not rely on a pill to save you. learn to rely on yourself. I know its hard but breathing treatments do help a crap ton.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    It so tough this time around. I hate complaining about it. I've just never been this down before. I normally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm not seeing it this time.

  5. #5
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    I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. I noticed in another post you work at a casino. For me even the thought of going in a casino gives me anxiety, there's no way I could work at one. Do you think maybe that's why? I know it's not always an option to just quit a job, but I did it. I was active duty military and knew my anxiety was getting worse and had the option to end my enlistment so I did...while there was the anxiety of the unknown, I felt so much better, that job created more stress for me and was triggering more panic attacks.

    If it's not an option, or you just love your job then let's think of other things to help you through your work day. Do you have a trusted friend you work with who could help talk you through you moments of panic? Is there a quiet place you can retreat to, to have alone time and do some breathing exercises?

    Also- have you recently started new medication?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Relying on Xanax all the time is not a good idea, it's really best for emergency, and best to take at home before bed. You gotta deal with anxiety in the raw unfortunately that's really the only way that works best, antidepressants help, but the full attacks are something they can't help much with.

    Second, don't let your family in on your inner turmoil, they can't help, they don't get it, and what's more, you're scaring them and causing them undo stress, this is yor panic, not theirs. We all make the mistake of scaring loved ones when we have our first freak outs, but over time, you must deal with these things alone. You can only fight this alone.

    Try taking time for yourself once a day, just to feel good, even if you don't feel like it at first, just push yourself to a little.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    I agree and disagree with Apples reply.

    Agree that Xanax is best left for an emergency.
    Agree that you need to find time for you and something you enjoy...guilty pleasures if you will.

    Not sure that recovery on your own is such a good thing. Yes, you need to wrap your brain around things, but suggestions and understanding of others may just help you find the light switch that turns on the bulb.

    One thing that struck me is that with your work, you can't help but be in an environment where sensory overload is a possible trigger to your attacks.

    Wondering if another job in the casino where you don't have to be on the floor for hours on end may be an option?

    Hang in there, with time you will find what works for you to feel some relief!

    Nonetheless we are here for you!

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by needtogetwell View Post
    I agree and disagree with Apples reply. Agree that Xanax is best left for an emergency. Agree that you need to find time for you and something you enjoy...guilty pleasures if you will. Not sure that recovery on your own is such a good thing. Yes, you need to wrap your brain around things, but suggestions and understanding of others may just help you find the light switch that turns on the bulb. One thing that struck me is that with your work, you can't help but be in an environment where sensory overload is a possible trigger to your attacks. Wondering if another job in the casino where you don't have to be on the floor for hours on end may be an option? Hang in there, with time you will find what works for you to feel some relief! Nonetheless we are here for you! Cheers! Pam
    I totally agree with you on the family front Pam.

    A huge part of the recovery process in mental health is the immediate support network around those suffering.

    Social isolation (whether physical or psychological) in most cases can then lead to (or further increase) depression alongside the anxiety.

    To add also that it can be highly beneficial to include family in some aspect of therapy, to allow them to gain perspective and help in how they can best support you.
    "Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol, morphine or idealism.” - C.G. Jung

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Th13thOne View Post
    Hang in there, man!
    Me too!!! Glad to see you!!

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Th13thOne View Post
    My coffee tastes disgusting and I feel sick but these posts are sure helping. Thank you!!
    Hey 13!

    I'm guessing spring is on the way to Alberta? Good news for you......bad news for the skiers !
    "Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol, morphine or idealism.” - C.G. Jung



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