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  1. #1
    One finger or two?
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    Behind you..

    BrainSync - Brainwave technology


    Sorry if this has been posted already. I have recently aquired a whole set of music CD's from the Brainsync. It's basically soothing music combined with subliminal messages and various brainwave states.

    There is also guided meditation.

    I have been using the eliminate stress series for a few days and do feel more at peace after using it. It takes about 30mins.

    Has anyone else here tried it or even heard of it? or do you know of any other similar companys?

    brainsync dot com

    ( my post count is to low at time of writing this )

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2013
    Hi MiST,

    Yes I know of Brain Sync - by Kelly Howell.

    It was one of the first self help tools I embraced when getting off drugs and attempting to turn my life around. It may not be fore everyone. Learning about the Brain States such as Alpha/Beta/Theta/Delta - can help to enhance reaping the benefits. You have to be sure that you don't't listen to one brain state whilst in another. I believe ex drug users are more sensitive to alpha waves or something like that.

    Being the sensitive individual I seem to be -> I knew I was onto something good when sourcing out the entire Brain Syn collection. About 2GB, depending on whether your paying for CDs or just downloading "elsewhere". It's often required that people give themselves time to feel any kind of benefit - like 6 weeks - I'm not quite sure - perhaps - different for me, because to be honest - I was immediately receptive from the start and if anything, would say - overstimulating was something I would have to gauge to keep the effect working for me.

    Have you heard about the ASMR craze on YouTube? "Autonomous sensory meridian response" In this people trigger a sensory experience in others who claim to feel tingles - LOL - I get what they mean, but kind of find such thing very short lived and far from an effective tool for what I be. None the less, I do listen to that from time to time - more some of the older practitioners with the exception of the Water Whispers and Marai. Anyhow - ASMR is a different topic which I would not mind discussing in another thread.

    The key to Brain Sync is to understanding how our brain works and how to open up like a tuning fork. Perhaps in the same way one would give into hypnosis in order to reap the benefit. All to often many logical people will entirely miss the connection with such tools - Ironic in my case as I am rather skeptical, however more so of our minds and those that choose to live by it, rather than identify with what lays deep within. Alas - the benefit with many of the sound files on offer with brainsync, is that not all of them are guided - this is helpful for people that can't gell with voice dialogue.

    Lucky for me - I like the voice. I find her voice rather non threatening and convincing. I found Guided Meditations quite effective in this series. I must admit though - during this stage of my life, I was still negatively effected with the Christian Brainwashing of my past. That is to say, I found opening up to many of the self help concepts that looked inwards very threatening in itself due to the fear mongering such indoctrination would make out that these types of tools where of the Devil and would destine ones soul to hell if they broke away from the one and only way to heaven ...

    It that respect - Brain Sync to Christianity is the work of the Devil in the same way many Christians believe Eckhart Tolle is the Anti Christ. I have been badgered many times within just such a mindset. Forgive me, but this is my little story here and it's all points to my perception, on what Brain sync did for me. It's not a personal attack on people who worship Christ.

    You have to open yourself up to new possibilities and let go of limiting ones. The affirmations included in the series was a first time for me - Not only did I benefit from Sound Based Technology, but affirmations delivered in such a way, really made me feel like I was worth someone - The sound therapy was like an assisted quietening of my extreme rushing thoughts:

    -->> This is like ASMR on steroids but without the rush! -->> Think of how the act of simply breathing in a rhythm, and how each breath brings more O2 with each rise and fall of the chest -->> The body scans are some of the best I have ever come across -> John Kabat Zin gives a decent series on such, however Brain Sync for me, has been the ultimate of Body scans - more so the Guided Relaxation selection --> This is different from mindfulness where one focuses on being in the experience to actively catch a thought and let it go - to become the observer whilst actively letting go of that which drives us to think in our unconscious but waking state -> the emphasis in mindfulness requires that one does not fall to sleep. BRAIN SYNC is rather - or was for me - a precursor to mindfulness as sleep did not diminish the act -

    ...still writing ... Pizza time first though Yum Yum -
    Last edited by Ponder; 12-23-2013 at 09:49 PM.

  3. #3
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    It's weird you know - I don't't get nearly as much out of brain sync as I did before - and whilst over exposure is something some of us more sensitive ones have to watch - I don't't think its as much a case of of "how do I get my ASMR experience back!" - but more so because it was a stepping stone that has taken me onto some other kind avenue - No doubt mindfulness and from there I have opened myself up to TOLLE who takes mindfulness to yet another dimension - to which I am currently fishing about.

    What do I mean by that - Hmmmmmmmmm - I can still get a good scan from Kelly, however just like with ASMR - well actually ASMR is not that much of a tool for me - I'm actually aiming to give that one up completely as it's more an addiction than anything else in my book. (ASMR is external - it's meant for an audience, to keep people coming back - therefore tainted -not my thing any more)

    Brain Sync --- YES defiantly worth checking out - great for calming someone down without all the attachments with the Youtube thing - I really don't't know how else to best describe my experience with it - I guess I just did - Great stepping stone!

    I think I am trying to go beyond the conditioning into the being, although some self conditioning is required -> from inside yourself - not others or other beings! In this regard - I struggle how it is that Tolle even refers to a God? - Just gleaning Just gleaning - all the more reason to never FOLLOW or be Led! Just Be Yourself as best you can. I will allow for a glimmer of The I am. LOL .

    PS ... one more thing - The Guilt Sessions Kelly has really worked for me - I woke up with tears and felt liberated, yet had not done or thought a thing! Now that is Powerful! Affirmations can work if you trust and open up - it really is powerful stuff - My brother had this same experience - I gave him a set of $200.00 headphone, because I knew he needed this stuff - sad to say - last time I spoke with him, I got the impression, his mind still be, limited with dogma.

    GOOD HEADPHONES a MUST - and although I have complete collection in a 2GB file - I recommend getting the CD quality stuff!
    Last edited by Ponder; 12-23-2013 at 10:02 PM.

  4. #4
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    Brain Sync is an everyday thing for me as well. I enjoy the sounds and no voices sometimes. Guided meditations are fine and dandy, but sometimes I just need my fix of tones.

    "The One you are looking for, is the One looking."
    ---Gene Allen----

  5. #5
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    thanks for bumping this Gene, I didnt see it before. I've been using brain sync for the past couple of weeks. I only downloaded "Relieve Anxiety" and "Release and Let Go", but I feel like they are helping. They are both "Theta", so I listen to them before/while I take a nap or am going to bed to help wind down. Both have subliminal messages but are not guided meditations so they do not have any voices... just calm ocean sounds

  6. #6
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    Very cool JJH.

    Yes I got the relieve anxiety one as well. I am going to get sacred ground next though. I will look into the release and let go, it sounds good. Oh and you're welcome I thought a bump was needed. Keep on with the brainsync, they improve your whole life the longer you do them. I like subliminal and layered messages too, as they get past the gatekeepers (frontal lobes) ? Sometimes I need something to sneak by my brain filter to get some new refreshing stuff in. Thank you for sharing.

    "The One you are looking for, is the One looking."
    ---Gene Allen----

  7. #7
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    I've read a couple of things about 'brainwave technology', and i'm really interested in finding out what it is.
    I was just perusing the net for some basic info so I could comprehend it a little better...
    What are brain waves? What do they do? How do they affect us? How will brainwave technology help? What is it all about?
    I found a little info that answered some of my questions, so I thought it might also help others who are a bit lost, like I was.


    There are several different brainwave states. Your brain cycles through each of these brainwave states many times throughout the day and night. It is a completely natural biological occurrence in every human being.
    Your brain doesn’t operate in only one brainwave state at a time but instead pulses in all these states simultaneously, with one of the states being dominant at any given time. The dominant state indicates your “state of mind” or level of consciousness. Because different areas of the brain may have different activity at any given time, you may have activity in one brainwave state in one area of the brain while at the same time a different brainwave state may be more active in another area of the brain. Each of these brainwave states occurs in a specific frequency range.

    The Beta brainwave state is associated with a heightened state of alertness and focused concentration. When your mind is actively engaged in mental activities, the dominant brainwave state will be Beta. A person in active conversation, playing sports or making a presentation would be in a Beta state. The Beta brainwave state corresponds to frequencies ranging from 12Hz to 40Hz.

    Alpha brainwaves are slower in frequency than Beta brainwaves and represent a state of relaxed mental awareness or reflection. Alpha brainwave states are typically associated with contemplation, visualization, problem solving and accessing deeper levels of creativity. The Alpha brainwave state corresponds to frequencies ranging from 8 Hz to 12 Hz.

    Theta brainwaves are even slower in frequency and represent a state of deep relaxation and meditation, enhanced creativity, stress relief, light sleep and dreaming. Theta brainwave states have been used in meditation for centuries. Research has proven thirty minutes a day of Theta meditation can dramatically improve a person’s overall health and well-being. Theta meditation has also been known to cause the need for less sleep. The Theta brainwave state corresponds to frequencies ranging from 4Hz to 8 Hz.

    Delta brainwaves are the slowest in frequency and represent a state of deep dreamless sleep. Delta brainwave states have long been associated with healing. While Delta brainwave states usually only occur in deep sleep, it is possible to train yourself to remain awake while reaching the Delta state to experience even deeper levels of meditation and awareness. The Delta brainwave state corresponds to frequencies from 0Hz to 4Hz.

    Gamma brainwave states are the most rapid in frequency. They have received the least attention and research, although more attention is currently being paid to them than in years past. Research has indicated at moments when bursts of insight or high-level information processing occur, there are corresponding increases in brain activity in the Gamma range. The Gamma brainwave state corresponds to frequencies of 40Hz or higher.

    Binaural Beats and How They Affect Your Brain
    Binaural beats were originally discovered in 1839 by physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. He discovered when signals of two different frequencies are presented separately, one to each ear, your brain detects the phase variation between the frequencies and tries to reconcile that difference.
    In doing so, as the two frequencies mesh in and out of phase, your brain creates its own third signal — called a binaural beat — which is equal to the difference between those two frequencies.
    For example, if a frequency of 100 Hz is presented to your left ear, and a frequency of 105 Hz is presented to your right ear, your brain “hears” a third frequency pulsing at 5 Hz, the exact difference between the two frequencies.
    Research has proven that introducing a binaural beat will cause the brain to begin resonating in tune with that beat. By creating a binaural beat at 10 Hz — an Alpha frequency — you can trigger your brain to resonate at that same 10 Hz frequency, automatically inducing brain activity in the Alpha range. This same technique can be used to quickly and easily guide your mind into any state.
    When your brain begins to resonate with the binaural beat, or “follow” the beat, this effect is called the Frequency Following Response. This phenomenon was thoroughly researched and tested in 1973 by biophysicist Gerald Oster at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. His research on binaural beats and the Frequency Following Response was published in Scientific American and paved the way for further development in the area of auditory stimulation to enhance brain functioning.
    Since that time, binaural beat technology has been endorsed by scores of doctors and scientists around the world.
    By introducing a precise harmonically layered blend of frequencies to your brain via audio technology, you can effortlessly achieve powerful states of focused concentration, deep relaxation and more, all while stimulating parts of your brain to work together in synchronization.

    Whole brain synchronization occurs when the various parts of your brain begin to work together, resonating at the same frequencies and causing neural pathways to fire more rapidly. This is also sometimes referred to as “whole brain functioning” or “hemispheric synchronization”.
    The left and right sides of your brain begin to work in concert with each other. Electrical activity and energy patterns in your brain become more widespread throughout the brain instead of remaining confined to certain areas.
    Research has indicated this type of synchronization is present in the brain at times of intense creativity, clarity and inspiration.

    Best wishes.
    Even after years of circling the same waters, it's possible to find a way to shore.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Southeast US
    Hello Abi,


    This is a link for you to consider regarding EEG's of your brain when undergoing brainwave technology. Look it over. I hope it helps. I enjoy it, and I actually crave it at times, like

    I would crave a piece of chocolate or a peanut butter sandwich. I know kinda weird sounding but my brain is hungry I guess? LOL

    Peace Young lady
    "The One you are looking for, is the One looking."
    ---Gene Allen----

  9. #9
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    St. Louis, MO
    I've made it part of my routine so I listen to 30-60 minutes a day. i don't think it took the full 6 weeks for my to feel any effects, I genuinely think it helps and I can tell if I miss a few days

  10. #10
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    Hey GeneAllen, thank you for the link, I really appreciate that.
    I would just like to ask which source you would recommend for someone starting out. The ones from IMMRAMA, I think I can order those in the UK, i'm not sure about the BrainSync.
    I recently came across an App on my phone that claims to do a similar thing, I was wondering if that would be worth a try.
    I'm not sure where to start.
    Many thanks.
    Even after years of circling the same waters, it's possible to find a way to shore.



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