Welcome to the Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks.
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Smile Is this Anxiety or...?

    It all started about a year ago on the first day of school, i was in technology class learning how to use the different machines one by one. When it came my turn to go up and try out the machine and cut a piece of wood i noticed my head/neck was slightly jerking, to the put were i could only tell. i would put my head down in classes and once again i would get that weird jerking/ticking in my head/neck(it would get worse as i was around people). This lasted for a few days and went away but would reoccur every so often, i just ignored it as i got used to it until now. About a week ago i started getting a strange sensation in the back of neck, similar to restlessness, my legs were also got restless and my neck started the jerking/ticking thing again. I have been feeling strange since then, high without the euphoria? i feel like i am on a cloud, i cant think straight, i am having trouble concentrating and focusing. The longer i try to sit still i can feel the tension building throughout my body. If i try to focus on something my neck or head wants to jerking or tic slightly. It seems to get worse the more i think about which leads me to believe it could just be me stressing or could it be something more serious? sorry if i posted this in the wrong section i'm not very good at this forum thing yet

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2011
    It sounds like it could have some anxious roots, yep.

    That highish feeling can be an adrenaline thing.

    What's your muscle tension like? Feel your shoulders, do they feel tense?

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by jessed03 View Post
    It sounds like it could have some anxious roots, yep.

    That highish feeling can be an adrenaline thing.

    What's your muscle tension like? Feel your shoulders, do they feel tense?
    Sorry it took so long to reply. Yes generally the back of neck and shoulder area is tense and jerky. Also the longer i seem to focus on something, the tension builds up and my neck wants to jerk. One thing i have noticed if i am out enjoying skiing or enjoying myself the tick goes away. Its like a heavy restlessness sensation going on to were if i do not move it feels like im going to explode.



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