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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    People just like me!

    Hi Everyone,
    So here I am, new to this world of forums. I've been reading a few posts here already and it's a comfort to know there are other people out there who a going through the same things I am struggling with.
    Looking back I've probably had anxiety in some way my entire life, but things really started up 7 years ago when I had a stroke. One fear led to another and soon I was having severe panic attacks. After 6 years taking Efexor and a couple psychologists the time finally came where I felt I was doing really well and had enough confidence to stop my medication and get on with my life (I am trying to get pregnant, and definitely want to be drug free). However, coming off the efexor felt like death at times. I'm now over the physical side effects but mentally I've gone back quite a few steps and am currently going through a period of avoidance, desperately trying to prevent panic attacks from coming back.
    I know that avoidance is the one thing that should be avoided. I know that it only makes it harder to get back into things, but when it's so much easier to hide away from the world it's hard to push myself. So that's what brings me here...I want to talk to people who don't just try to understand, but actually know what it feels like. I try not to let on to my husband how difficult things are as he has been looking after me and providing for me this entire time and I feel like such a burden to him. We were together for 1 year before this started and I don't know how he puts up with me when sometimes I don't even want to put up with me.
    So that's me...

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    East Coast, USA
    Hi Rachel

    Nice to have you here

    I was on Effexor some years ago and the first time I came off of it was rough with the withdraw symptoms

    Sure makes you aware if how powerful a drug it is

    I had the same thing happen with moving backwards. Wasn't too long after that I felt as bad as I originally did

    Stayed with it for quite a while before coming off of them but would have stayed on them forever if necessary

    There will probably always be some debate whether anxiety can be caused by learned behavior or a chemical imbalance within the brain

    I don't know the answer but I believe you do anything you can to make yourself feel better

    We are willing to take blood pressure, cholesterol, and others for life

    But I believe people put so much pressure on themselves to come off a SSRI because they feel taking it makes them a weak person in their own eyes

    As a guy, I am somewhat uneducated with the effects of SSRI's and pregnancy

    I'm sure you have spoken to the doctor about this and based on that information, you made the best decision for you and future mini Rachel

    Here's hoping you find things here to help you through
    "Y'all didn't have to shoot me" ~ Harambe

  3. #3
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    Thanks, it's good to hear from someone who understands the difficulties of Effexor.
    It was a rough ride being on it. When my doctor first prescribed it he told me people come off it after about 12 months. So of course that made me feel like I had a time limit. Then my psychologist suggested after only 6 months that I come off it. Which of course was a disaster. The little amount of progress I had made just went straight out the window. It was only after reading other forums I found out it's ok to stay on it for years.
    At first I felt like I shouldn't need medication. I'd seen enough tv/movies where people want to be strong and saw it as a weakness. I didn't necessarily agree, but thought that this is what I should think.
    As time went on I accepted it and my husband would even joke about my 'crazy pills' which I actually found helpful.
    My doctor has never really said what the risks are with pregnancy, just that I should stop. So that's what I did. But since then I've done my own reading and found that the only known risk is that the baby may suffer withdrawals once born, but they are said to be short lasting. So now I'm considering whether it may be helpful to start medication again. Not Effexor, I wouldn't put myself through the torture of starting it again. But something that can help with these mood swings, and the depression I'm having since I stopped.

    On the upside I've learned lots of lessons at least. Doctors/psychologists/tv don't always know best. Always question what you've been told and seek other opinions.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by rachel01 View Post
    Thanks, it's good to hear from someone who understands the difficulties of Effexor. It was a rough ride being on it. When my doctor first prescribed it he told me people come off it after about 12 months. So of course that made me feel like I had a time limit. Then my psychologist suggested after only 6 months that I come off it. Which of course was a disaster. The little amount of progress I had made just went straight out the window. It was only after reading other forums I found out it's ok to stay on it for years. At first I felt like I shouldn't need medication. I'd seen enough tv/movies where people want to be strong and saw it as a weakness. I didn't necessarily agree, but thought that this is what I should think. As time went on I accepted it and my husband would even joke about my 'crazy pills' which I actually found helpful. My doctor has never really said what the risks are with pregnancy, just that I should stop. So that's what I did. But since then I've done my own reading and found that the only known risk is that the baby may suffer withdrawals once born, but they are said to be short lasting. So now I'm considering whether it may be helpful to start medication again. Not Effexor, I wouldn't put myself through the torture of starting it again. But something that can help with these mood swings, and the depression I'm having since I stopped. On the upside I've learned lots of lessons at least. Doctors/psychologists/tv don't always know best. Always question what you've been told and seek other opinions.
    I know that puts you in a confusing spot to make a decision

    I suppose you need to weigh the option of being on the med and feeling good or not being on it and being stressed throughout the pregnancy

    I'm not sure which one would be worse but you and your doctor should probably make a decision together
    "Y'all didn't have to shoot me" ~ Harambe

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    I'm on effexor also. Tried to come off it a few months ago. What an eye opener!! Gonna try again once the warmer weather gets here!! I hope everything works out for you!! :-)

  6. #6
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    I'm in a very similar boat Rachel... I've been taking Effexor for about 6 years. 3 years ago I was doing really well so weened off. I actually didn't have withdraw symptoms, but within 3 months of being off it I was in the throws of anxiety once again – the worst and longest period of anxiety in my life. So, now I'm back on it.

    My husband and I are thinking about having children too and my gyno and psychiatrist have given me the ok to stay on Effexor but want me to stop Welbutrin before conceiving. I've done all the research too and came to the same conclusion you have – that Effexor seems relatively safe for pregnancy. It's often said there's more harm to the child for the mother to be anxious/depressed all the time.

    Sometimes I hate being a woman with anxiety and depression If it were up to me, I would just be on meds my whole life. I feel pressured to get off them too. My therapist always says to me "the ultimate goal of anyone with anxiety and depression is to get off of medication." And I have to say I don't agree. If that's what helps you to live a normal life, I say TAKE A DAMN PILL!!

    My advice to you is to talk it over with your doctor (which I'm sure you have), but talk it over with your gyno too... they may have some valuable advice. And if you do decide to take Effexor while pregnant and if you decide to be on Effexor the rest of your life, don't beat yourself up about it. We all need to stop thinking we're weak because we take medication!

  7. #7
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    I'm very jealous of you not having withdrawal symptoms. I was like a zombie for about 6 weeks. 2 weeks were spent laying down because the dizziness was so bad I couldn't even sit up right. That's why I don't want to go back on it. Plus the fact that I put on 50kg while on it. It's amazing being off and not feeling constantly hungry. All I ever thought about was what I would eat next, even eating 'just in case' so I wouldn't panic about feeling sick from hunger!
    But reading what you've said I think I will go back to my doctor, or even a different doctor to discuss trying something else. My stress levels are at an all time high and I'm certain that's why I'm not pregnant (been trying for 6 months). And I expect that if I do get pregnant my hormones will only add to all that stress/ depression etc.
    I agree with you that if the aim is to be able to lead a normal life then why not take medication to do that.
    Good luck with everything!



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