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  1. #21
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by shelbyp
    How did I get the derealization? Weed :/
    I didn't know you got derealization because of weed! Maybe that's how I got mine. I was constantly having panic attacks with weed. That's why I stopped smoking 3 years ago, and now I feel like I smoked a fat joint!

  2. #22
    Yee I didn't know you could get it from it either I was smoking it for a good few years before it just kind of popped up :') haha I've never taken an prescription meds I'm too scared of becoming too dependant/addicted to them

  3. #23
    the feeling of being high when you are sober. that's why I quit a long time ago. if I smoked instant panic then I quit and would feel high while sober it sucks. I would always say I wish I could feel like this all the time. careful what you wish for you just might get it.

    but I hear ya
    country boy will survive

  4. #24
    Exactly the same with me. Stupidly I smoked 3 times and got it each time before I figured it out and stopped

  5. #25
    I take Xanax too when I miss a day of it I will also feel like crap. nothing to worry about its just the meds getting out of your system you will be fine.

    an congratulations
    country boy will survive

  6. #26
    Senior Member
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by cls1033
    I take Xanax too when I miss a day of it I will also feel like crap. nothing to worry about its just the meds getting out of your system you will be fine.

    an congratulations
    How long have you been on Xanax for? I have gone months without them, but then I start feeling weird without them and feel a panic attack coming. I'm just a nervous wreck! I at least have to have some with me for just in case. I've been on them for 2 years. I also get bad tension headaches and they help me with that too.

  7. #27
    Senior Member
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by shelbyp
    Yee I didn't know you could get it from it either I was smoking it for a good few years before it just kind of popped up :') haha I've never taken an prescription meds I'm too scared of becoming too dependant/addicted to them
    Good for you! I was scared to take meds too when I first suffered from a panic attack and after I didn't feel normal. I remember I felt so dizzy and so off. I took my first pill before I got another panic attack and ever since I've been taking them. They do help me out a lot!

  8. #28
    I don't know weather to try them or not I've felt ok without them sometimes it just when I gets to much that I consider them

  9. #29
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by shelbyp
    I don't know weather to try them or not I've felt ok without them sometimes it just when I gets to much that I consider them
    How long have you had anxiety for?

  10. #30
    Since I was 16 4 years on and off really. Last year I felt totally fine had a job and everything then winter hit and things happened and it seems to off come back



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