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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Depersonalization - Will this ever go away?

    I got panic attacks/anxiety from marijuana which also caused depersonalization. I still have my anxiety to work with, but I'm no longer getting any panic attacks. I've had a few "milder" panic attacks which I could easy take control of. My depersonalization is not completly gone. It was horrible the first month I had DP, when I didn't know what it was. But the second month, it seems like it's fading away. But, I can still feel it sometimes. It hits me out of nowhere. Will this eventually go away or will it be stuck like this? I can't live like this and I don't want to take any medications. I think it'll only make it worse. Has anyone overcome DR/DP?

    Also, has anyone overcome anxiety naturally, without any medications/drugs?

    I'm simply looking for motivation here.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Southeast US
    Ah yes,
    Mary Jane got me in that state long long ago. It's a good thing for some people, but it's a relatively low vibration plant, although I strongly believe in it's use and effectiveness in

    treating medicinally. It passed on it's own, back then, but lingered, scared me bad. I suggest a grounding meditation, brainsync.com works well for some. I get lots out of it. Changes my mind.

    Medication will kick it too. Peace
    Last edited by GeneAllen; 01-29-2014 at 07:03 PM.
    "The One you are looking for, is the One looking."
    ---Gene Allen----



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