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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Anxiety/Social Anxiety - Jobs & College :c

    I recently started college and I'm finding it really difficult, I barely even go. I literally can't even function, I just sit there and don't really talk to anybody. I can't even concentrate because I feel so anxious all the time about everything. Even if I'm walking around town I'll see someone walk past me and I'll completely freak out, like I just feel like I'm going to collapse. I'm just so tired of being scared of everything. My parents also keep going on at me saying I need to get a job and the thought of doing that is just impossible. I really do want to get a job, I just want to feel normal but I physically can't see how I'll be able to do that. I've been thinking a lot more positively and I've also been trying to just do it, even if I do feel like I'm going to die but it's just so hard. The smallest thing just sets off a panic attack and I can't stop it, I was wondering if anyone had any advice to reduce this. I just want to be able to talk to people and be myself!

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Dannii View Post
    I recently started college and I'm finding it really difficult, I barely even go. I literally can't even function, I just sit there and don't really talk to anybody. I can't even concentrate because I feel so anxious all the time about everything. Even if I'm walking around town I'll see someone walk past me and I'll completely freak out, like I just feel like I'm going to collapse. I'm just so tired of being scared of everything. My parents also keep going on at me saying I need to get a job and the thought of doing that is just impossible. I really do want to get a job, I just want to feel normal but I physically can't see how I'll be able to do that. I've been thinking a lot more positively and I've also been trying to just do it, even if I do feel like I'm going to die but it's just so hard. The smallest thing just sets off a panic attack and I can't stop it, I was wondering if anyone had any advice to reduce this. I just want to be able to talk to people and be myself!
    hey it happens when you go to a new place ... Try to wear good..if you look good you'll feel good...do some workout...and avoid coffee tea or and soda they cause anxiety.... And good luck for your job

  3. #3
    You could always consider medication to help ebb things back a little, allow you to function. You could also try joining a club at your college; whether you'll take medication for it or not it might be a big help to you to to try and practice talking in an environment where there are like-minded people and a go-to subject involved. As for working, if you feel it's too much for you to handle right now maybe you could find a job working a night shift. If you feel up to it though, try finding a job where you're somewhat forced to interact with people. Sometimes the guise of working makes it a lot easier to talk to people too.

    Don't give up! It's really great that you've started school, be proud that you're doing it! It's really hard having to deal with people when you can barely say hello half the time, but take baby steps. As long as you don't give up it'll get easier over time. At one time I used to keep a little stress ball in my pocket to help me when I started getting too nervous to bare it; that might be inconvenient depending on the clothes you wear. When I went to JC I also used to keep a scrap of paper next to my work, so that when I was feeling particularly anxious I could scribble lines to distract myself.

    I'm sorry I can't offer more advice but there are some stickies in the general anxiety forum that might have some suggestions for you! Sorry I can't post links yet... but one is "How Are You Coping With Anxiety" and another is "The Quick Guide to Stopping Panic Attacks". Maybe you can find something there to help you out!



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